Happy 71st birthday to Jim Geer.
Happy 25th anniversary to Debbie and Rodney Haines.
Happy 61st wedding anniversary to Ray and Betty Fowler, who are celebrating today.
We extend Christian sympathy to Becky and Dave Maney on the death of Becky's brother Steve.
We also extend Christian sympathy to the family of Guil Woodward. Guil was one of the Woodward boys, born in the area, raised in this valley, and a very active part of this church. Guil was 91 years old at the time of his death. He passed into the Church Triumphant on October 1.
Please continue to pray for Evvie Binder, who is still in the nursing home, where she had a fall and sustained a head injury.
Continue to pray for Gordie Glover, who is still in the cardiac intensive care.
Continue to pray for Bill Van Wormer, who is still at Sloane Kettering.
As we come to the closing months of this year, we are excited for the open doors the Lord has placed before us to serve Him and worship Him. We will gather for worship tomorrow at Union Center UMC at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM, and at 9:30 AM at Wesley UMC. Sunday School for all ages will be held at UCUMC will be at 9:50 AM.
Our youth group will be going to El Rancho DePaz today.
Our choir has begun rehearsing for the Christmas Cantata on Wednesday evenings. Choir practice begins at 7:30 PM.
We are also preparing for the children's Christmas Musical, "Inside the Outside Inn", which will be presented on Sunday, December 5.
Make a note that the Russians are coming . . . and will be with us on Saturday, December 4, with the program to be presented at First UMC on McKinley.
One of our very special upcoming events will be a Concert of Prayer, a gathering to pray and to learn about prayer. Our seminar will be led by Kelly Johnson, a gifted speaker and godly young woman who has learned to give everything over to the Lord in prayer.
We first met Kelly Johnson through our daughter Sunita. Both were working in Baltimore, MD, and Kelly was the executive secretary to the President of World Relief. From the beginning, Kelly struck us as a woman of faith and grace, a faithful servant of our loving Lord who regularly knelt at the feet of Jesus.
We are privileged to have Kelly with us during the first week of November. She will be leading the Concert of Prayer, which will open with a time of fellowship and food on Friday, November 5 at 6 PM at the Union Center UMC. We will gather back at the Union Center UMC on Saturday morning at 8 AM for breakfast, followed by another workshop on prayer, which will continue through noon.
At 5 PM we will be gathering down at First UMC in Endicott for our annual Thanksgiving Banquet, followed by a service of worship and praise at 6:30 PM. The menu will include Turkey and all the trimmings, homemade rolls, pies, etc. Chef Lou Pasquale will prepare the meal. A $10 donation per adult is requested, with children under 12 eating for free. A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex at Union Center UMC. You may also sign up by calling the church office at (607)748-6329 or be replying to umcgospel@aol.com .
The Saturday evening service will feature Aric Phinney as the music leader, a message by Kelly Johnson, and activities for children and youth. We will then gather on Sunday morning for worship services at Union Center, and Kelly Johnson will be speaking to a combined adult Sunday school. There will be a meal following the second service, prepared with love by the "Smith boys" (Al and Hannah's two sons).
Brief Bio: Kelly Johnson-

Who is Kelly Johnson?
Kelly Johnson is a lover of Jesus and a woman of prayer. She has a hunger for unity of the Bride of Christ. Kelly firmly believes, as Jesus tells us in John 17, when we reach a place of unity as believers then the world will come to know Him. She also believes this unity must cross racial, economic and denominational barriers to truly reflect Jesus’ heart and create an “irresistible influence” in cities across the nation.
Kelly received a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science/Pre-Law from Liberty University in May of 1990. Since that time she’s worked in ministry at churches, inner-city youth organizations, World Relief and currently is the Executive Director of Two by Two, a prayer movement based in Memphis, TN. She’s a catalytic leader, an excellent communicator and has a gift for networking.
Kelly has a heart to make disciples and has personally witnessed the transforming power when as few as two people wholly commit themselves to Jesus and to prayer.
Kelly also has a love for the local church and believes that the Church will transform the world if we come together for Jesus.
Why Memphis?
Memphis, Tennessee is the origination point of. Back in March of 2007, Kelly was burdened to ‘Pray for the City of Memphis!’ and as she prayed, her heart fell in love with this city. She also was increasingly burdened with a heart for racial reconciliation and felt called to ‘bring hope to the City of Memphis.’
Through 1 ½ years of waiting on God and many research visits to learn about the city, Kelly noticed that although there were some amazing ministries in Memphis, there were still some dire problems that only God and prayer could solve.
In May of 2008, Kelly began a prayer partnership with an African American in Memphis. The friendship that ensued and the amazing things they learned about one another as they prayed together spawned the idea for.
God often chooses the least-likely of places to show up and show off. As the ‘Distribution Center of the World’, Kelly believes God wants to use Memphis, TN as the starting point of a prayer movement that will move from city-to-city across the globe reconciling people to God and to each other and transforming our nation.
If you have the chance to ask her about the idea for she’ll be quick to tell you – it’s not her idea it’s God’s. But she is excited to watch Him show up and transform the City of Memphis and cities across the globe just two people at a time!
Saturday Evening worship services
at : First United Methodist Church,
53 McKinley Ave., Endicott.
Sponsored by Union Center United Methodist Church.
Schedule for the remainder of October:
October 9, 2010
Music by Rev. William Pucky and his team
Preacher: Brown Naik
October 16, 2010
Music: Laureen Naik and team
Preacher: Dave Hettinger
October 23, 2010
Music by Aric Phinney and team
Preacher: Rev Earle Cowden
October 30, 2010
Music by Laureen Naik and team
Preacher: Jeff Vansyckle
November 6, 2010 - ( Saturday) There will be a Thanksgiving banquet. At 5 PM a traditional Thanksgiving menu will be served, including home made rolls and pies. Chef: Lou Pasquel and team. (Reservations: Call the Church office (607)-748-6329 or email at umcgospel@aol.com
The banquet will be followed by 6:30 PM Worship
Music: Aric Phinney and the team
Speaker: Kelly Johnson from Nashville, TN.