Saturday, August 4, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 8-3-12

Praise the Lord again and still for theses sizzling summer days. This is the weekend we have the annual Spiedie Fest and Hot Air Balloon Rally that is held in beautiful Otsiningo Park. The Church has a huge Hope Tent on the Balloon Fest premises. Mark Schultz is one of the Christian artists who will be ministering with music and word. It is going to be a brilliant weekend.
Those of you live in the area join us for weekly TV outreach this evening at 7 PM on Time Warner channel 4.
` Praise the Lord for the beauty of the earth. Alice and I took some of our nephews and nieces picking blue berries not far from where we live. This is a beautiful blueberry patch. I know the man who planted the blueberry bushes 45 years ago. The bushes were loaded with juicy berries. We picked 30 quarts in no time. Praise the Lord for all the varied, and colorful, summer fruits with which the Lord does decorate His earth.
We serve a very generous God. His grace is amazing. His love is measureless. His generosity is out of this world. I love to read the Book of Ephesians from time to time. It is written that God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). God meets our needs, and then some. We are richly blessed. Even in lean times, we sense God’s watch-care over us.
Have you ever gotten something you didn’t pray about? I have. C.S. Lewis recognized that if had God given him everything he’d asked for, his life would have been a mess! The most loving answer God can sometimes give is “No.” to our requests. Eugene Peterson points out, “Prayer does not seek God but responds to the God who seeks us.” The Apostle James reports, “The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective” (5:16). In spite of this we often have not, because we ask not. Sometimes I think God is simply waiting for us to ask. The problem here is that some people feel it’s inappropriate, even selfish, to ask for personal requests…they will pray for anyone but themselves. Yet, there is nothing improper in praying for one’s needs.
British Poet William Cowper observed, “Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.” There is power in prayer, far greater than anything known to earth. Prayer is a weapon of mass construction! When we are convinced that prayer is powerful, and that God hears and responds to us, we will pray. God tells us to burden Him with what burdens us. But asking and receiving aren’t the only reasons we pray. We talk to God because He is our Father. Prayer invites us into relationship with One who loves us like no other. Thomas Merton wrote, “The secret of prayer is a hunger for God.” May we hunger for that place of quiet rest we find through prayer.
In Christ,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 8-1-12

Praise the Lord for the sizzling summer season. The Lord sent us very refreshing rains last night. We have been getting some very fresh produce from some local farmers markets, including tomatoes, sweet corn, potatoes, and cucumbers. We are also getting some beautiful Pennsylvnnia peaches. Yesterday Alice went picking beautiful, juicy blueberries. She has also canned several jars of Peach and Cherry jams, and some quarts of canned peaches. Praise the Lord for summer fruits. Every time I see some luscious mangoes I buy them along with coconuts, the tropical fruits.

We heard from Jessica and Tom, who wrote us from Prague. The Lord is blessing them with refreshing times.

We are watching some of the Summer Olympics. Praise the Lord for the dedication and discipline of the these athletes. Praise the Lord the thrill of victory.

The new addition at our church here in Union Center is coming up really well. The contractors are committed Christians and also very competent contractors. The workmanship is winsome and beautiful.

The Bible says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). The point is to take the focus is off of yourself. It is very tempting to focus on ourselves, but the way of the cross is to die to self, and that brings new life in Christ Jesus.

The New York Jets team is having their training camp at a nearby university campus. Tim Tebow is new addition to the Team. Fame and fortune do not ruin everyone. The likes of Tim Tebow and others have not cared how the world thought about them. They continue to share their faith even when the media makes fun of them and mocks them. They just strive to do their best and give glory to God.

Those of you who follow sports know that Jeremy Lin, guard for the New York Knicks, became an overnight sensation to the point where it was being called “Linsanity”, and a host of other puns. The whole world, especially Asia, has watched as Lin delivered his team several victories in a row. Jeremy is a Harvard grad who set an NBA record for the Knicks with an unbelievable stretch of 109 points scored in his first four starts. Lin said in an interview that he has learned not to obsess about stats and championships. He said, “I’m not working hard and practicing day in and day out so that I can please other people. My audience is God... The right way to play is not for others and not for myself, but for God. I still don’t fully understand what that means; I struggle with these things every game, every day. I’m still learning to be selfless and submit myself to God and give up my game to Him.”

I like the commitment and the courage of Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A. He is a man of courage and conviction. If we do not stand for something, we will fall for anything. Every time we drive by a Chic -fil-A restaurant I try to drag my wife there for lunch or dinner. May the tribe and breed of Dan Cathy increase around the corner and around the globe.

This is what it’s all about: Living life for an audience of One, living life for God and leaving all the rest up to him. He has said, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord,’ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart’” (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Again, the Bible tells us what it is all about: “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:11-12).
Gerard Manley Hopkins, in one of his great poems, wrote:
THE WORLD is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness...
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs-
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.

Life opens up to those who look upward rather than inward. Fulfillment comes to those who do not try to find life by filling it with things or the acceptance of the crowd. Life surprises with joy those who refuse to live as though the world revolves around them. Life is aflame for those who live with eyes to see the hand of Jesus in all of life — Salvation belongs to our God, who is upon the throne.

In Christ,


Monday, July 30, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 7-30-12

Praise the Lord for this summer season here in America the beautiful. It is the monsoon season in India. Seasons come and go; they have a beginning and an end. Waiting is also a season in our lives and we have no option but to go through it. Jesus used the fig tree in Matthew 24:29-31 to illustrate that we need to be aware of our spiritual surroundings and seasons.

One of the greatest tragedies for Christians is they do not recognize the season they are in. Summer is a time of spiritual development and fruit bearing. Applied to our personal spiritual development, we might find ourselves learning to study Scripture better, having deeply significant devotions where we feel God’s presence more regularly, worshipping the Lord with His people intentionally, faithfully and regularly... On the other hand, Satan will attempt to divert us, to cause us to put our energies into non-fruit bearing activities. Often we are tempted to invest our energies and the resources on trivia.

Jesus, who is the Lord in all seasons and the Lord of all seasons, ordains spiritual seasons to provide the greatest spiritual fruit-bearing and the greatest spiritual growth. Recognizing the season we are in and responding appropriately to that season is the best way to insure continued spiritual growth and a life that bears Godly fruit.

The Lord blessed us with an abundant Sunday yesterday. It was a great thrill and blessing to be in the House of the Lord worshipping Him and celebrating His grace and love. During the morning worship I preached from Acts 4, on " Holy Boldness. We gathered for a Block Party in Binghamton yesterday evening for an Adult baptism, worship, and celebration, followed by great time of food and fellowship. It was an outdoor service. All the neighbors and friends were invited. There were so many young adults and young people who came, many with young children. We sang and praised the Lord. The Lord visited us.

One of the heroic stories to come out of the 9/11 tragedy is the story of Todd Beamer. He and several passengers on flight 93 have become heroes to us because of their bravery. In all likelihood their actions, in the face of death, saved hundreds of lives, and very possibly the White House or Capitol. The phrase he used as they decided to storm the cockpit was ‘Let’s Roll.’
In many ways, this is the theme of Acts - let’s get going. Let’s go out and share...
Acts 4:13 KJV "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus." The NIV says it like this,
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."
Acts 4:29-31 KJV continues the story, "And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness."
Boldness is something desired by almost all Christians. Holy Boldness in the Lord includes courage, conviction, passion, and fearlessness. Frequently, we hear Christians pray for boldness. This is Scriptural, as we see in Acts 4. These first believers in the early Church prayed for boldness and God answered in a mighty way. The whole building shook with the power of God, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they Spoke the Word of God with boldness.
Acts 4:33 NIV "With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. God gave them Great Power through the Holy Spirit."
THE OPPOSITE OF BOLDNESS IS FEAR. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE “BOLD AS A LION”? Phil 4:13 KJV says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
Many Bible characters exhibited great courage in their walk with God. The prophet Elijah was bold and courageous as he battled the "gods". In Daniel, 3 the Hebrew men in the King’s furnace showed tremendous courage. Peter, John, and Paul in the New Testament were courageous in the face of all manner of opposition.

The Story of Joshua and Caleb at the Promised Land has always blessed me. Moses had sent the 12 Spies into the Land of Caanan on what was basically a reconnaissance Mission. 40 Days later, when they Returned, 10 of the spies gave what God called an “evil report.” Ten were afraid. They reported that the people there "are too Strong for us". They continued, "They are giants and we are grasshoppers in their sight." Joshua and Caleb, however, said, “Let’s go up at once and possess the land, for we are well able to overcome it.”
Fearlessness is the main idea of 2 Timothy 1:6, "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." When the Spirit of God is stirred up and activated within you, you can live a life that is free from fear.
Holy boldness is NOT arrogance or boasting. It is NOT bragging on yourself. James 4:6, "But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." Holy Boldness will ONLY operate within the framework of love and humility. To be great in God's Kingdom, we must each first be a servant.

In Christ,


Brown's Daily Word 7-27-12

It is Friday and Sunday is coming. I trust you had a blessed week in the Lord. It is calm and tranquil after the storms yesterday afternoon. The birds are singing and making melodious sounds to the Lord of the heaven and earth. Our youngest daughter Jessica and her husband Tom are flying to Europe for their summer vacation today (and no, they are not stopping in England at all). The summer Olympics have begun in England the land of John and Charles Wesley, William Carey, and David Livingston. The church of Jesus Christ is engaged in London ministering to the athletes and the guests who have landed in London. We will meet for worship this Sunday at 8:30 AM at Wesley UMC and at 10:00 at the Union Center UMC. We will also be gathering for a summer block party in Binghamton, for food, fellowship, and worship, beginning at 5 PM. There will be an outdoor adult Baptism service following the worship service. The location for this event is 14 Broad Street Binghamton. This one of the occasions when "Church leaves the Building" and goes out where people live. Pray for us that will be faithful witness for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is great thrill and joy serving the Lord.
Robert Louis Stevenson once entered in his diary what he considered to be an extraordinary thing. He said, "I have been to Church today, and (Surprisingly) I am not depressed." Christians are called to be joyful in all circumstances. Christian concepts of joy are different from the world's. The Joy of the Lord is the result of God’s work in our hearts (Galatians 5:22). Christ didn’t come that you might have sadness; He came that you might have a full life. (John 10:10)
The book of Nehemiah records a time when the people of Israel were coming back into their homeland after spending 70 years in exile. They began to rebuild their home in the ‘land of promise’. Israel was regaining her homeland and returning to faith. The book of the law had been discovered and Nehemiah called the people together, and had Ezra conduct a public reading of God’s law. The Israelites had different stages of reaction to the law: First, they fell into repentant sorrow. Second, they began to praise and worship the Lord. Third, they celebrated the “Feast of Booths” as the law commanded. The result was great joy! Nehemiah told them, “The Joy of the Lord is your strength.”
As told in the book of Acts, Paul and Silas sang at night in a dungeon in Philippi with their backs bleeding and oozing from the brutal beating of the day before. They weren’t taunting the prison guards. They sang because they found joy like a fountain bubbling up from within them. Their joy struck their jailor.
It was their joy that caught his attention. Instead of the moaning and cursing that suffering convicts usually emitted he heard songs in the night. Their joy demanded an explanation. People whose backs are beaten to a bloody pulp don’t sing, they cry. Cheerfully Paul and Silas told him, “Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Thus he was invited to the joy of their salvation. In his moment of total vulnerability the jailer found the joy of his salvation.

From what the New Testament tells us, the evidence of this joy is the litmus test of being a Christian. The clear and distinguishing mark of the faith of Jesus Christ is this joy, “unspeakable and full of glory” that results from a life of obedience to Jesus.

Isaiah wrote that it is the deaf, the blind, and “the meek that will obtain fresh joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall exult in the Holy One of Israel.” There has always been a common element in popular but wrong religion. Whether in ancient Israel or in modern America, those things that grab the popular mind, that brings teeming results, always miss the point of the way of God. Upstanding Judahites in Isaiah’s day would have protested against any suggestion that they followed a religion other than the Divinely revealed religion. They maintained the sacrifices and perhaps carried on other ceremonial functions.

As Cardinal Ratzinger points out in his marvelous book, "Introduction to Christianity", the religion of Israel was essentially a religion of faithful observance of the law. But it was possible to live a way of life totally at odds with the way God commanded, while faithfully maintaining the system of Temple sacrifices. The elite of society did this, unaware how distasteful to God they were. They trusted their prophets, after all. However, God found in the deaf, the blind, and the poor those who could receive His word. “In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see. The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall exult in the Holy One of Israel.”

In Christ,
