Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday's reflections from Brown 5-18-07

Praise the Lord for this Friday, (It's Friday now but Sunday's coming . . .)A week ago today I was anxiously awaiting surgery. Now it is one week after, and I am looking back and praising the Lord for His faithfulness and steadfast love.
It was in 1976 that we visited a small chapel in the hill country of Texas near Kerrville. At the Sunday morning worship the preacher (a lay speaker) spoke from Lamentations 3 to the 30 or so who were in attendance. Lamentations 3 begins in agony and woe but concludes with a great sense of affirmation and faith. We have all been through those valleys of agony.Jeremiah, after his litany of lamentation, abruptly turns to the Lord and declares, "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.' The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord."
Even one year ago, I never dreamed or thought that I would be in this place in my life. I never conceived of the thought of going for surgery, let alone going for surgery in Boston.The first time I ever came to Boston was in July, 1982, to attend a Billy Graham Crusade held at Knickerson Stadium of Boston University. The second time was July, 1993 to attend a conference on worship being held at Gordon Conwell Seminary, with the main speaker being Jack Hayford, the composer of "Majesty". (I had dinner with him there). The third visit was July of 1994, when Janice had sustained injury to her mouth and teeth (while with the Continentals). We drove her out to join her team at Logan Airport to fly overseas to minister and present "Dreamer" in England and the Netherlands. These 3 July dates were but the beginning.In 1997 we brought Sunita out to Boston's north shore to attend Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts. Over the next 3 years we made several trips out to that area, both transporting room essentials, visiting, or providing transportation over break. In 1999 Jeremy joined the Bostonians as he began to study at Gordon Conwell Seminary. Then, in 2000, he and Janice married. After Janice finished PA school, she began to work in the area, eventually landing her current job with Boston Healthcare for the Homeless. Jeremy began Law school at Boston University in 2005, Micah was born in 2006, and her little brother is due to arrive in July of 2007. Over the years we have visited many times and explored Boston and the surrounding area. In spite of all of this, I never in my wildest imaginations dreamed that I would have surgery in Boston.There is endless mystery in life, in general, and in suffering, in particular.
In Christ alone we catch a glimpse of true life and the meaning of suffering. He came to give us life, and that more abundantly. He came as a man of suffering, acquainted with our grief. "Man of sorrows, what a name for the Son of God who came, ruined sinners to reclaim. Hallelujah! What a Savior!"C. S. Lewis said that God whispers to us in our pleasures and shouts at us through a megaphone in our sufferings. Another of the Christian saints said that we are not to doubt in times of darkness that which God has revealed to us in the light.Praise the Lord for His nearness and faithfulness.
I have felt His very presence throughout these past days. He gives amazing peace in the midst of turmoil and pain.In Romans 5 we read, "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Through Him we have access to His amazing grace. In the midst of all, God pours His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.I thank the Lord for each of you, for your prayerful thoughts, your kindness, and your love manifested to me.Jesus is Lord! He is risen from the grave. He is upon the throne. He is real. All is well.
In Him,Brown

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday Update from Alice and Brown 5-17-07

Dear friends,
Brown was reading this morning from Romans 5, and he wanted to share this portion with all of you."Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us."
Today we enjoyed a fairly quiet day. For Brown it included some telephone time - big surprise - and two nice walks around the neighborhood though the temperatures never raised above the lower 50's. Despite the cool air, it is still spring time in the city, and spring is such a time of life, hope, promise, and a future. There are some lovely raised garden beds about 3 to 4 blocks away, and it reminded Brown of his own enjoyment for vegetable gardening. He also was thinking about the fruit trees that have been planted near the parsonage.Fruit trees, as you well realize, are a work in progress. Though you plant them in good soil it takes water, fertilizer, pruning, tending, and much time in order to bear fruit. They are a symbol of promise. If we invest in them we are investing in a future harvest if we do not weary of the job at hand.
For Brown it is a little like that right now. He is investing in the promise and hope of the future by ambulating around the neighborhood, drinking 3 times as much water as he has ever been accustomed to in the past, resting, praying, and generally making every good effort to regain his strength. At times he has to be reminded that he isn't even a week past surgery yet, and so he has every reason to feel weak, but that he should not be discouraged, or weary of doing well. Pray that he will not be discouraged as he rebuilds his strength and his constitution.
Thanks to all who have sent cards and those who have responded with a "blog" on Brown's web site. It is so encouraging to know how so many are praying and caring about him. It is so overwhelmingly sweet and beautiful to have friends like all of you.
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me; when you week me with all your heart, I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile." Jeremiah 29:11-14
In His peace,Alice and Brown

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Word from Alice 5/16/07

Good afternoon, dear friends,It is a misty, moisty, cool afternoon following a sunny and warm morning. Brown and I are "occupying" at Janice and Jeremy's house here in Boston. Laureen had to return to Falls Church, VA today, and Janice and Micah decided to "go along for the ride". Actually, Janice and Micah had planned for a month to fly down to visit Sunita and Laureen in Falls Church and spend some quality sister time there - Janice's first visit to her sisters' home. Jeremy left yesterday for a brief rock climbing expedition in Joshua Tree Park in California. Our home away from home is very quiet now - hopefully conducive to a quick recovery for Brown.

This afternoon Brown took an excursion with me to drive the girls to Logan Airport. Though traffic was heavy the return trip was uneventful. I'm not driving it like a native, but it went well. Brown still tires easily, but has been power napping intermittently with walks around the neighborhood, walking the stairs in the condo building when the weather isn't so nice, carrying on phone conversations, etc . I can tell that he is on the mend - his voice is getting stronger and he is navigating much better. It looks like he is making steady progress.In the meantime, our time here has been challenging but sweet. In these healing days we have learned to trust the Lord in a deeper way, and to walk by faith. He has sustained us, enriched us, and filled us with joy unspeakable. Our Lord is invisible, yet we have seen him in very real and tangible ways. He is visible to us in the prayers, love, caring, and compassion of the Church, his body. Though he is eternal, he is our contemporary companion. God is good - all the time.

As you all know, Sunday was Mother's Day. I was exceedingly blessed to have Laureen and Sunita here, along with Janice, Jeremy, and Micah. Jessy phoned and that completed the foursome! What an incredible blessing to share Mother's Day with them and with Brown. I realize over and over again how precious his life is to me and I am overwhelmed by gratitude to God for His goodness, grace, and love to us.

Day by day Brown is getting stronger; he is in less pain now, and is able to function on extra strength Tylenol - what a step up that is - at least for daytime. I am sure that the condo will soon feel too small, but for now it is a place of blessing and peace to us. I cannot begin to imagine trying to spend this recovery period in a hotel.Keep Brown (and all of us) in your prayers. It is still a long road to full recovery, but we have a very great Physician who is taking care of him. We'll keep you posted with any updates.

Loving you all, and trusting in the Lord's care,Alice and Brownp.s. Laureen played piano for her dad this morning. She and her dad spent time in worship and prayer. She played his favorite songs, including "Better Is One Day" and "Blessed Be Your Name", and they both sang along. Sweet!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Word from Brown 5-15-07 Praise God!

Praise the Lord for this beautiful day. We just learned about the sudden death of Rev. Jerry Falwell. He was a courageous servant of Jesus Christ. When we lived in Texas in 1977, we used to watch his late night telecast from Thomas Road Baptist Church. Praise the Lord for his fearless and courageous commitment to the cause of Christ.

I was released from the hospital on Sunday afternoon, on Mother's Day. Thank you for your continuous prayers. I was in the operating room for four hours. It was a blessing to have the hospital chaplain come and pray with me before surgery. I spent two nights in the hospital. The Lord ministered to me through His angels. I felt His presence and power in a very tangible way. Every person the Lord has placed in my circle these last few days has been a blessing.

I've been reading from Psalm 103. It is one of my favorite Psalms. King David, who loved the Lord with all His heart, praises Him for all His benefits and blessings. Here we read about God's love which is so changeless and His sovereign power is endless. We come face to face with the attributes and characteristics of our God. As we pause and ponder about the Lord in the light of the Psalm, we come to see His grace, His compassion, His patience, His forbearance, His forgiveness, His fatherhood, and above all, about His love. This amazing love speaks of His commitment to us, His never changing love and fidelity.The Lord our God is holy and righteous. He is bountiful with all His blessings. He forgives all our sins and heals all of our diseases. He redeems our lives from destruction. He crowns us us with His steadfast love and mercy. He satisfies us with good things as long as we live so that our youth is renewed like the eagle.

After coming through the long surgery, I had no pain. That's a miracle. Through this experience, we've been drawn to the Lord and to each other as a family. The Lord has cared for me through you all. Alice, Laureen, Janice & Jeremy have been wonderful nurses in caring for me. Janice and Jeremy have also been gracious in providing their home for my recovery. Sunita has been a beautiful counselor and prayer warrior. Jessica has been a courageous supporter with her sense of humor and love. My brothers and sisters were able to be in Boston for the surgery, thanks to Jim and Marti Holmes driving them. Micah has been a constant source of joy and blessing. We also had a surprise visit from Michelle McPherson, whose laughter and humor lifted our spirits. Praise the Lord! He's alive and upon the throne! His grace is sufficient for every need we have. It is a blessing to know Him as Lord and Savior. He is there with us all the time. He is faithful and powerful. He's trustworthy.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts, for the Lord hears the prayers of all His people.We will be coming home on May 25th. Please continue to pray for total healing and recovery. "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, thankful for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure the he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:3-6

With much love and gratitude,Brown

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Update from Sunita 5-13-07

Hello Everyone,
I am sitting at the dining room table next to my dad. He was released this morning from the hospital and is ready to start his R&R at Janice and Jeremy's place. It's a gorgeous spring day here and there are flowers everywhere in bloom. There's a small playground with a park right across the street and a much larger one a half mile away that we think we'll have him walking to before the week is out. Dad is continuing to do really well and is just needing lots of rest. He's asking about you all and wanting to make sure I keep in touch, but isn't quite ready yet to form the messages himself:) He says it's been a miracle to him how little pain he's in, particularly because of what a low tolerance he has! I leave tomorrow to go back to DC so am not sure how frequently we'll be providing updates, though I'm sure he'll find a way:) In the meantime, if you'd like to be in touch by snail mail in the next 2 weeks, I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. Happy Mother's Day!

Brown Naik
c/o Janice John
111 Green Street
Apartment #101
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130


"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever."