Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Word from Brown 5-15-07 Praise God!

Praise the Lord for this beautiful day. We just learned about the sudden death of Rev. Jerry Falwell. He was a courageous servant of Jesus Christ. When we lived in Texas in 1977, we used to watch his late night telecast from Thomas Road Baptist Church. Praise the Lord for his fearless and courageous commitment to the cause of Christ.

I was released from the hospital on Sunday afternoon, on Mother's Day. Thank you for your continuous prayers. I was in the operating room for four hours. It was a blessing to have the hospital chaplain come and pray with me before surgery. I spent two nights in the hospital. The Lord ministered to me through His angels. I felt His presence and power in a very tangible way. Every person the Lord has placed in my circle these last few days has been a blessing.

I've been reading from Psalm 103. It is one of my favorite Psalms. King David, who loved the Lord with all His heart, praises Him for all His benefits and blessings. Here we read about God's love which is so changeless and His sovereign power is endless. We come face to face with the attributes and characteristics of our God. As we pause and ponder about the Lord in the light of the Psalm, we come to see His grace, His compassion, His patience, His forbearance, His forgiveness, His fatherhood, and above all, about His love. This amazing love speaks of His commitment to us, His never changing love and fidelity.The Lord our God is holy and righteous. He is bountiful with all His blessings. He forgives all our sins and heals all of our diseases. He redeems our lives from destruction. He crowns us us with His steadfast love and mercy. He satisfies us with good things as long as we live so that our youth is renewed like the eagle.

After coming through the long surgery, I had no pain. That's a miracle. Through this experience, we've been drawn to the Lord and to each other as a family. The Lord has cared for me through you all. Alice, Laureen, Janice & Jeremy have been wonderful nurses in caring for me. Janice and Jeremy have also been gracious in providing their home for my recovery. Sunita has been a beautiful counselor and prayer warrior. Jessica has been a courageous supporter with her sense of humor and love. My brothers and sisters were able to be in Boston for the surgery, thanks to Jim and Marti Holmes driving them. Micah has been a constant source of joy and blessing. We also had a surprise visit from Michelle McPherson, whose laughter and humor lifted our spirits. Praise the Lord! He's alive and upon the throne! His grace is sufficient for every need we have. It is a blessing to know Him as Lord and Savior. He is there with us all the time. He is faithful and powerful. He's trustworthy.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts, for the Lord hears the prayers of all His people.We will be coming home on May 25th. Please continue to pray for total healing and recovery. "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, thankful for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure the he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:3-6

With much love and gratitude,Brown


Anonymous said...

It is wonderful that your surgery did not damage your typing ability and sense of humor. PTL


susan said...

Keep up to good work, Brown. Enjoy your R&R. Especially enjoy that darling little granddaughter. Love, Susan McA. <<><<

Anonymous said...

I was thrilled yesterday to receive your email for posting! You and your family are constantly in our prayers. May your strength increase daily, and each day in your recovery may you set your face upon Jesus, He is our strength when we are weak!
Love, Julie