Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 10/7/15

Praise the Lord for this Wonder-filled Wednesday.  We will gather for our Wednesday Evening gathering at 6:00 PM with a special meal followed by Bible Study at 6:30 PM.  We are excited for this new day.  I visited the local Christian Academy yesterday, where I met with the administrator.  We are planning for release time for students.  We are praising the Lord for this ministry of outreach. The Administrator showed me around the School buildings and the facilities.  As  we were standing in hall way one of the students came by.  I was surprised to know that he knew me and knew my name.  I recognized him too.  He has five other brothers.  They live in Endicott where we lived for 25 years.  He and his brothers commute to School here.  The Administrator shared with me that grew up in Marathon in a Farm which has 500 acres.  Now one of his daughters and sons families make their homes in the Homestead.  Beside being the administrator of the school he produces maple syrup from the farm.  He shared that he had collected over 500 gallons this past spring. 

    In the evening I went down to visit my younger brother  and his family in Endicott.  One of his friends, an avid fisherman, had given him some fresh water Salmon from the North Country.  One salmon weighed over 40 pounds.  We dressed the Salmon.  We were like little boys coming home after fishing trip.  We had salmon for dinner.  I said  "what a Generous God we serve and what a country we live in". 


    I hear from many of you from time to time sharing how these daily  devotions are blessing to you.  I am blessed to write these devotions and doubly blessed to share with you all around the corner and around the globe.  I heard from one of friends living in Tennessee yesterday.  She and her family were part of the large group that traveled with us in Europe and the Holy Land in the sweet summer 2000.   She is Christian counselor and her daughter is medical doctor.  One of friends living in Oklahoma does post this devotions  on my web page as a daily blog.  I am so blessed and so loved.


    Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.”.  The Bible speaks of the throat as an “open grave” (Romans 3:13).

    From my random readings I found that an average person speaks 16,000 words a day.  That’s the equivalent of a 64-page book.  In one week you speak the equivalent of a 450-page book.  In a month you speak 480,000 words, the equivalent of a book of 1920 pages.  In one year you speak 5,760,000 words, which is roughly equivalent to 4 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica.  If we stretch that out over 70 years, the average person speaks 403 million words, roughly equal to the entire 44-volume set of Encyclopedia Britannica, multiplied nine times.

Today each one of us will speak the equivalent of a 64-page book.  Tomorrow another book. The day after another one.

    Let us Imagine if someone reads the contents of the book we are writing with our words today.  Suppose it was recorded somewhere, written down somehow, caught on video, and then played back on the Internet for the whole world to see. What would we learn about our vocabulary?  David Platt, a Christian author, points out that social media increases the temptation of careless speech:

“In a day of text-messaging, email, cell phones, Twitter, blogs, Facebook, etc., we need to be careful. We’ve created an entire culture that says if you have a thought, then you should immediately share it with the rest of the world. But follower of Christ, don’t buy that line of reasoning” (Exalting Jesus in James, Loc. 543).

    Perhaps we need to pray for the gift of silence.  I remember reading about a famed linguist about whom it was said that he knew how to remain silent in seven different languages.


    James  in his Epistle draws a shocking conclusion when he says the unbridled tongue makes your religion useless.  We need to keep this warning in mind at all times, but especially when we are tired, under pressure, and when others are trying to provoke us.  May the Lord Jesus grant us special grace so that we might keep a tight rein on our tongue.

 In Christ,


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 10/6/15

Praise the Lord for the warm days of October with which the Lord has blessed us thus far.   He blessed us with a beautiful and brilliant day yesterday.  On Mondays I drive around country side and survey the wonders and blessings of the Lord all around us.  During our evening walk we met one of the  leading citizens of our town, and we stopped to chat with him.  He was very glad to show us his birthday gift and tell us all about it.  It was a dog he received for his birthday.  He was  excited to tell about the new groomer he took his dog to.  He described how wonderful the dog looked.  The dog was on a leash, dragging him.  I was thinking how Jesus our Lord  calls us His sheep.  He anoints with oil.  He puts on us a robe of righteousness.  He makes winsome.  He does not put a leash on us.  He goes before us and He leads.   What a freedom.. What a blessing to be loved by the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for his sheep.  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 
    I was watching a program about a daring rescue  conducted by a USA Air Force pilot during the Serbian Conflict when a US Fighter jet was shot down.  The pilot had ejected safely but landed in the enemy territory.  The young pilot was in a  very dangerous and precarious  situation.  A US Air Force Rescue team went out on a frantic rescue mission.  The team made a very daring rescue of this  young  fighter Pilot.  There was a great jubilation.  The enemy camp was confounded and humiliated. 

    We read about a daring rescue mission conducted by the Lord of the Church as it is recorded in Acts 12.  The first time I heard about this adventure story was from my Uncle, who was a great story teller.  I was 4 years old.  He told the story during our evening family worship time.  When I heard about it I got excited about Jesus.  This provides an example of the desperate situations that people often find themselves in and an example of what the church usually does when faced with a desperate situation.  Peter had been placed in a seemingly hopeless situation.  It was his midnight hour, the time when things are the darkest, and he was in a truly humbling position, and he needed to experience God's best.  We know it is the time when we need to be rescued, because we are virtually blinded by our situation.  We know it is the time when we need a miracle, because only a miracle can bring us the urgent relief we so desperately need.  While Peter was locked up, the church was praying that God would take care of Peter.  The church was praying that God would rescue Peter.  The saints of God prayed without ceasing for Peter.

    We may be experiencing midnight, but we should rest easy, as the difference between midnight and a new day is just 60 seconds.  In 60 seconds, we  can go from past failures to present victory. In 60 seconds, We  can go from past hurts to present cure. In 60 seconds, you can be free, because God always shows up in our midnight hour!  Peter was so fast asleep that the angel had to poke him hard and say, "Wake up! Get up!  You are about to be rescued!"  Sometimes our situations can drain us and push us to sleep, but we need to get up!  God is about to change our situation.  The Angel said to Peter, "Get up quickly!"   Peter obeyed the Angel's command  although at first he was not sure at all about what was happening.  At first Peter thought that  it was a dream or a vision.  He thought he was dreaming.  Praise the Lord it was happening for real before his own eyes.  Miracles are real. 

    The angel took Peter past the first guard and the second guard…The guards didn't so much as notice them.  They were blinded by Peter's covering.  However, there was still one more barrier to his freedom.  The iron gate that led to the city was in front of them, but then suddenly, without pushing on it, the gate swung open!  How many doors has God opened wide for us in the past, doors that we  didn't have to push.  We didn't have to turn a knob or pry.  The door just flung open, and we  walked right through it.

    The angel led Peter through the gate and went the length of one street.  Just as suddenly as he appeared, the angel left.  Verse 11 says, "And when Peter was come to himself, he said, 'Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent His angels, and hath delivered me.'"  In other words, when Peter looked back at what the Lord did for Him, at how the Lord miraculously rescued him from the hands of the enemy, Peter began to worship God.  He began to give God the praise.  Peter said, "Surely it was God who delivered me."

In Christ,


Monday, October 5, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 10/5/15

Praise the Lord for another brand new day, a day to celebrate the grace of the Lord, to  enjoy His simple gifts, and to glorify His name.  Our new home is located close to a highway.  I can hear the all kinds vehicles, including horse drawn buggies as they drive by early in the morning.  I can see Interstate 81 from the Bay window of the house.  It is a major route going from the South of the USA and reaching to Reaching to Canada in the North.  The vehicles journey along it both day and night, 24/7.  The Lord blessed us with a stunning Sunday.  It was cloudless and brilliant.  Some of our friends posted on facebook their photographs of cloudless skies accompanied by the changing colors of the Autumn down below.  The Lord blessed us in His house in worship and fellowship. 

    Alice and I took a lazy  and lethargic Sunday afternoon drive to Syracuse  on Interstate 81 to visit one of Alice's colleagues and friends.  We parked the car on the 7th floor of the parking garage where we were able to see the amazing panoramic vista of Syracuse,  the home of Syracuse University.  It was a spectacular  view of the skyline of the city surrounded by same of the gorgeous mountains, hills, and lakes.  On the way home we saw hundreds of cows grazing on the ground and thousands of the Canadian geese surveying the land and the lakes, their natural habitats before migrating later this season.  Both cattle and fowl seemed unhurried and jubilant.  The Lord decorated the WesternSky with another brilliant and majestic Sunset.  I could say with the psalmist, "O Lord, our Lord, How Majestic is your Name in all the earth". 


    I spoke with our oldest granddaughter, who reported for the family.  They spent part of the weekend in the woods, part of the day picking berries and, as it was Sunday, they spent the day in Church in worship and witness.  May Jesus be praised.


     Saturday we drove by one of the local towns that having its annual October fest.  It was the Worldwide Communion Sunday yesterday.  We feasted at the Lord's tables, where He meets us as the Host and we are His honored guests. Jesus prepares a banqueting Tables before with much love and with much grace.  I love the  magnificent hymn by one of favorite Christian thinkers and hymn writers of Scotland, Horatius Bonar( 1808-1889

Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;
Here would I touch and handle things unseen;
Here grasp with firmer hand eternal grace,
And all my weariness upon Thee lean.
This is the hour of banquet and of song;
This is the heavenly table spread for me;
Here let me feast, and feasting, still prolong
The hallowed hour of fellowship with Thee.
    In his book The Kingdom of God Is a Party, Tony Campolo relateds an experience he had late one night in Hawaii.
Up a side street I found a little place that was still open. I went in, took a seat on one of the stools at the counter, and waited to be served. This was one of those sleazy places that deserves the name, "greasy spoon." I did not even touch the menu. I was afraid that if I opened the thing something gruesome would crawl out. But it was the only place I could find.
The fat guy behind the counter came over and asked me, "What d'ya want?"
I said I wanted a cup of coffee and a donut.
He poured a cup of coffee, wiped his grimy hand on his smudged apron, and then he grabbed a donut off the shelf behind him. I'm a realist. I know that in the back room of that restaurant, donuts are probably dropped on the floor and kicked around. But when everything is out front where I could see it, I really would have appreciated it if he had used a pair of tongs and placed the donut on some wax paper.
As I sat there munching on my donut and sipping my coffee at 3:30 in the morning, the door of the diner suddenly swung open and, to my discomfort, in marched eight or nine provocative and boisterous prostitutes.
It was a small place, and they sat on either side of me. Their talk was loud and crude. I felt completely out of place and was just about to make my getaway when I overheard the woman beside me say, "Tomorrow's my birthday. I'm going to be 39."
Her "friend" responded in a nasty tone, "So what do you want from me? A birthday party? What do you want? Ya want me to get you a cake and sing 'Happy Birthday'?"
"Come on," said the woman sitting next to me. "Why do you have to be so mean? I was just telling you, that's all. Why do you have to put me down? I was just telling you it was my birthday. I don't want anything from you. I mean, why should you give me a birthday party? I've never had a birthday party in my whole life. Why should I have one now?"
When I heard that, I made a decision. I sat and waited until the women had left. Then I called over the fat guy behind the counter, and I asked him, "Do they come in here every night?"
"Yeah!" he answered.
"The one right next to me, does she come here every night?"
"Yeah!" he said. "That's Agnes. Yeah, she comes in here every night. Why d'ya wanta know?"
"Because I heard her say that tomorrow is her birthday," I told him. "What do you say you and I do something about that? What do you think about us throwing a birthday party for her—right here—tomorrow night?"
A cute smile slowly crossed his chubby cheeks, and he answered with measured delight, "That's great! I like it! That's a great idea!" Calling to his wife, who did the cooking in the back room, he shouted, "Hey! Come out here! This guy's got a great idea. Tomorrow's Agnes's birthday. This guy wants us to go in with him and throw a birthday party for her—right here—tomorrow night!"
His wife came out of the back room all bright and smiley. She said, "That's wonderful! You know Agnes is one of those people who is really nice and kind, and nobody does anything nice and kind for her."
"Look," I told them, "if it's okay with you, I'll get back here tomorrow morning about 2:30 and decorate the place. I'll even get a birthday cake!"
"No way," said Harry (that was his name). "The birthday cake's my thing. I'll make the cake."
At 2:30 the next morning, I was back at the diner. I had picked up some crepe-paper decorations at the store and had made a sign out of big pieces of cardboard that read, "Happy Birthday, Agnes!" I decorated the diner from one end to the other. I had that diner looking good.
The woman who did the cooking must have gotten the word out on the street, because by 3:15 every prostitute in Honolulu was in the place. It was wall-to-wall prostitutes…and me!
At 3:30 on the dot, the door of the diner swung open, and in came Agnes and her friend. I had everybody ready (after all, I was kind of the M.C. of the affair) and when they came in we all screamed, "Happy birthday!"
Never have I seen a person so flabbergasted…so stunned…so shaken. Her mouth fell open. Her legs seemed to buckle a bit. Her friend grabbed her arm to steady her. As she was led to sit on one of the stools along the counter, we all sang "Happy Birthday"' to her. As we came to the end of our singing with "happy birthday, dear Agnes, happy birthday to you," her eyes moistened. Then, when the birthday cake with all the candles on it was carried out, she lost it and just openly cried.
Harry gruffly mumbled, "Blow out the candles, Agnes! Come on! Blow out the candles! If you don't blow out the candles, I'm gonna hafta blow out the candles." And, after an endless few seconds, he did. Then he handed her a knife and told her, "Cut the cake, Agnes. Yo, Agnes, we all want some cake."
Agnes looked down at the cake. Then without taking her eyes off it, she slowly and softly said, "Look, Harry, is it all right with you if I…I mean is it okay if I kind of …what I want to ask you is… is it O.K. if I keep the cake a little while? I mean, is it all right if we don't eat it right away?"
Harry shrugged and answered, "Sure! It's O.K. If you want to keep the cake, keep the cake. Take it home, if you want to."
"Can I?" she asked. Then, looking at me, she said, "I live just down the street a couple of doors. I want to take the cake home, okay? I'll be right back. Honest!"
She got off the stool, picked up the cake, and carrying it like it was the Holy Grail, walked slowly toward the door. As we all just stood there motionless, she left.
When the door closed, there was a stunned silence in the place. Not knowing what else to do, I broke the silence by saying, "What do you say we pray?
Looking back on it now, it seems more than strange for a sociologist to be leading a prayer meeting with a bunch of prostitutes in a diner in Honolulu at 3:30 in the morning. But then it just felt like the right thing to do. I prayed for Agnes. I prayed for her salvation. I prayed that her life would be changed and that God would be good to her.
When I finished, Harry leaned over the counter and with a trace of hostility in his voice, he said, "Hey! You never told me you were a preacher. What kind of church do you belong to?" In one of those moments when just the right words came, I answered, "I belong to a church that throws birthday parties for whores at 3:30 in the morning."
Harry waited a moment and then almost sneered as he answered, "No you don't. There's no church like that. If there was, I'd join it. I'd join a church like that!"
Wouldn't we all? Wouldn't we all like to join a church that throws birthday parties for whores at 3:30 in the morning?
Well, that's the kind of church that Jesus came to create!.
Let us celebrate at His table.