Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 8/18/15

    Praise the Lord for this sizzling summer day.  The Lord blessed us with a beautiful Sunday in His house last Sunday.  One of the visitors was a young girl who said that she wanted to meet the new pastor in town.  She came with her grandparents.  She was all dressed up for church.  She was sweet, and she made my heart glad.  Praise the Lord for the church, where everybody is somebody and Jesus is Lord. 

    Alice I and took our nieces and nephews to Taughannock State Park and Taughannock Falls yesterday to spend some time with them before they go to school and college.  It was a gorgeous day, sunny and superb.  As we walked we  met some people who had come to the lake area for a wedding.  They were walking on one of the shady and cool trails, enjoying the beauty of the Lord.  Our nieces and nephews got in a swim at the lake.  The water temperature, we were told, was 74.  We met some retired couples who were spending time at the lake shore bathing on the breeze and blessings of the Lord.

    It is another sizzling day here in central New York.  I spoke to one of my nephews who lives in the UK this morning.  He and his wife are expecting their first child.  We praise the Lord.  Our daughter Sunita, who is Washington, DC, is expecting for the first time and her first child is due at the end of this month. She sounds always graceful, and confident in the Lord.  Please pray for the safe arrival of the newborn.

    We have been reading from the Book of the Ephesians for our Sunday morning worship.  There is so much confusion in the world.  People are confused about marriage, about sex, about the present, about the future, about life, and about death.  Jesus came as the Light.  He sheds His light abroad in our hearts.  We can live and walk in the light and in confidence, no longer in quandary and moral and spiritual confusion.  The enemy, the adversary plants seeds of confusion and deep doubt in our hearts and in our lives.  We follow the enemy blindly and are prone to wander away from the One who loves us and came down to give us life, and that life abundantly.

    The story is told of Philip Henry, Matthew Henry’s father.  Matthew Henry was the great Puritan commentator.  Philip Henry was a commoner.  He was lowborn in a day and age when social standing mattered a very great deal and he was engaged to be married to a young Christian woman of a significantly higher social standing than he.  Her parents were concerned and thought this gulf in social status almost to be an insurmountable barrier and so they asked her, “This man, Philip Henry, where has he come from?”.  She replied, “I do not know where he has come from but I know where he is going.”  And that’s Paul’s point in the Book of Ephesians. When God by His Spirit is at work by His Word in the lives of His people they begin to grow in assurance of their destiny and their security.  That’s why Paul described the Holy Spirit as a guarantee and a seal, guaranteeing our possession of the inheritance that is to come, our future.

    When the Spirit comes He helps us know our value, our identity.  Paul prayed that we might have the Spirit “and so know what is the hope to which He has called us and the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints.”  This is a fascinating phrase.  Paul talked about our inheritance - heaven.  Here he spoke about God’s inheritance - we are His inheritance.  Redeemed sinners from every nation under heaven are His inheritance.  We  are His treasure in whom He delights.  This is the dignity of a Christian.  In a day when to follow Jesus may mean to become the object of derision, scorn, and contempt; it a day when to be faithful to the standards of Scripture may become increasingly costly in terms of society and its shifting values; when others around you may shun you for your faith in Jesus, here is help to stand firm.  The true value of a believer is that although the world derides you and scorns you, God the Father Himself considers you His treasure, His portion, His inheritance, His delight.

    Paul prayed that we may know “what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead.”  God is not simply in the business of making empty promises or calling us to live in a certain way without supplying the power to obey.  He is saying that when the Spirit comes and wields His Word and power in our hearts and growing assurance of our destiny enables us to press on until we cross the finish line and take possession of the Promised Land at last.  As we understand our value and our identity as the inheritance and treasured possession of the Father and are made bold to stand firm no matter what the world says, we should also know that God will give us power to persevere.  We will cross the line not because we have the power, not because we have the stamina or the wisdom or the strength, but because the same power that has broken the grip of death and raised Jesus Christ to life and seated Him at the right-hand of glory in heaven is at work to keep us, preserve us, and bring us home.

In Christ,



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