Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Word from Alice 5/16/07

Good afternoon, dear friends,It is a misty, moisty, cool afternoon following a sunny and warm morning. Brown and I are "occupying" at Janice and Jeremy's house here in Boston. Laureen had to return to Falls Church, VA today, and Janice and Micah decided to "go along for the ride". Actually, Janice and Micah had planned for a month to fly down to visit Sunita and Laureen in Falls Church and spend some quality sister time there - Janice's first visit to her sisters' home. Jeremy left yesterday for a brief rock climbing expedition in Joshua Tree Park in California. Our home away from home is very quiet now - hopefully conducive to a quick recovery for Brown.

This afternoon Brown took an excursion with me to drive the girls to Logan Airport. Though traffic was heavy the return trip was uneventful. I'm not driving it like a native, but it went well. Brown still tires easily, but has been power napping intermittently with walks around the neighborhood, walking the stairs in the condo building when the weather isn't so nice, carrying on phone conversations, etc . I can tell that he is on the mend - his voice is getting stronger and he is navigating much better. It looks like he is making steady progress.In the meantime, our time here has been challenging but sweet. In these healing days we have learned to trust the Lord in a deeper way, and to walk by faith. He has sustained us, enriched us, and filled us with joy unspeakable. Our Lord is invisible, yet we have seen him in very real and tangible ways. He is visible to us in the prayers, love, caring, and compassion of the Church, his body. Though he is eternal, he is our contemporary companion. God is good - all the time.

As you all know, Sunday was Mother's Day. I was exceedingly blessed to have Laureen and Sunita here, along with Janice, Jeremy, and Micah. Jessy phoned and that completed the foursome! What an incredible blessing to share Mother's Day with them and with Brown. I realize over and over again how precious his life is to me and I am overwhelmed by gratitude to God for His goodness, grace, and love to us.

Day by day Brown is getting stronger; he is in less pain now, and is able to function on extra strength Tylenol - what a step up that is - at least for daytime. I am sure that the condo will soon feel too small, but for now it is a place of blessing and peace to us. I cannot begin to imagine trying to spend this recovery period in a hotel.Keep Brown (and all of us) in your prayers. It is still a long road to full recovery, but we have a very great Physician who is taking care of him. We'll keep you posted with any updates.

Loving you all, and trusting in the Lord's care,Alice and Brownp.s. Laureen played piano for her dad this morning. She and her dad spent time in worship and prayer. She played his favorite songs, including "Better Is One Day" and "Blessed Be Your Name", and they both sang along. Sweet!


Anonymous said...

What guys like us discover, Brother Brown, mostly from experience, is
how difficult life can be sometimes. Our natures, as men of action and
activity is to run at problems and seek solutions and resolutions while
we pray. God helps those who help themselves. Right? Not always. If
salvation is the result of prayer and suffering..Christ's suffering and
our own, we come to know what suffering really is. At root, it is
being unable to control anything. It is to be vulnerable. It is to be
totally in the charge of others and it is to be frustrated up to here.
Suffering is very humbling business. Men of action do their suffering
badly many times. It is not easy to just submit. It is not easy to
pray, full of faith and feel passed over for the moment. We are not
passed over of course as we both know. We are being educated. After
this great test your ministry will have much more depth. It is one
thing to feel for sufferers and it another to empathize with them.
When I was down and out your little church family prayed for me and I
felt those prayers, so I feel close to that family. Now it is my turn
to pray for you, Brother Brown as I do from time to time. Sometimes
our Lord uses the aging process to help us unplug from one period of
life for another. I can vividly remember the feeling of guilt at not
being able to to do what I did. But we learn by being shown how feeble
we really are at our best. God is in HIs kingdom and the Holy Spirit
is in our hearts. This too shall pass away and we will be shown what
comes next. God bless you and yours and Im sure you will be a superior
patient as Christ was on Golgotha. It is all being taken care of.
Brother George

Anonymous said...

Brown & Alice - we continue to pray for you day by day and look forward to seeing you in the summer. Brown, keep resting in the arms of our Lord and get your strength back so that you can travel to your home in NY. Peace in Christ, Linda, Warren and Jeremiah

Anonymous said...

Hi Brown!!
Glad to hear how well you are doing! Just take care and rest! Miss seeing you all. I am glad that Jenn and Sunita got to reconnect. How exciting about Sunita's engagement!
Take care and would love to see you when you get back home and feel up to it.
Karen Kunte

Anonymous said...

To our pastor and our dear brother in the Lord Jesus Christ,
`Grace be unto you, and peace, from God, the Father, and from our
Lord Jesus Christ. We thank our God upon every remembrance of
you, always in every prayer of ours for you making our request with joy for your fellowship in the gospel'
In those trying times in our life, The love of friends and family are, Oh so, uplifting, but there's still that place. deep in our innerself where we still feel alone but then ... we pray to our Lord and the blessed Holy Spirit emphatically conveys to our spirit that we are the children of God and we can rest in HIM.
Brother Brown, the blessed assurance of HIS spirit in your heart was evident. The word of the successful surgery and your lack of pain after was wonderful news. PTL!!!
Now all you have to do is relax, enjoy Micah, don't cause Janice any
trouble, and return to good health. We miss you, but you know what we mean when we say don't hurry back until you're suppose to.
Jack & Alice

Frank Ferraro said...

Brown, I have prayed for you daily. Thanks for your friendship and I know everything will be right on. The Lord is with you......
