Thursday, March 23, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 3/23/17

    "Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever".  Revelation 5.  We live day by day in confidence and in mission knowing that Jesus is the victorious Lamb and yet He is the Shepherd of His people.  Praise the Lord, for the He ushers in every new day on earth and in His kingdom.

    We are saddened by the unbridled violence, defenseless brutality, and bloodshed that took place at Westminster, London yesterday.  Innocent people died.  I have been several times to London, and while there I have walked on the Westminster bridge over the river Thames, and stood by the British Parliament house, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Central Hall, and the Methodist Cathedral. As I looked out on my surroundings, I stood in awe, for Great Britain is the birthplace of John and Charles Wesley, William Carey, David Livingstone, Amy Carmichael, William Shakespeare, Sir Winston Churchill, and so many luminaries in  History.  We are called to pray for our leaders whom the sovereign Lord places in authority over us for such time as this.  We need to pray for Donald Trump, the President of this great Nation, for Theresa May, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and for the leaders of the world, that the Lord would endow and anoint them with the wisdom of King Solomon, the Faith of Abraham, the strength and courage of Samson, the love for the Lord, of King David, the boldness of Peter, and the passion and courage of St Paul.  We know, believe, and declare that His Truth is marching on.. Glory, glory, Hallelujah.We are called with a divine imperative to pray for those victims of Satan, the enemy of the Cross,those who are driven and bent on brutality, terror ,bloodshed and senseless blindness and madness that they may see the Light of Jesus and begin to  walk in  genuine freedom and Light. The Lord is at work. The godless Communism that reigned and  brutalized soviet union collapsed after 70 years. The barbaric and brutal reign of Hitler that was supposed to last 1000 years lasted only 1000 days. It was few years ago some American youth were visiting Jerusalem. One evening they invited some Arab youth for a pizza party. They shared about Jesus the Messiah. One of the young man was open to the Gospel. In an going conversation and witness this young man gave his heart and life to Jesus. He was the son of the radical Islamist the founder of the Hamas . This young man was sponsored by the church to immigrate to   America the land of the free and the home of the brave.. This young man is a  committed Christian with a life long mission of witnessing Moslems. His kingdom shall never end.  His love never fails. 

    One of my favorite pastor/authors has written, "We have the opportunity to look at life two ways - from the bottom-up or from the top-down.  From the top down means to start with God and then go to the problems of life.  From the bottom up means to start with my problems and then work upwards to God.  Most of us instinctively start from the bottom and go up if we can.  What difference does it make?  Only all the difference in the world.  Maybe the difference between keeping your faith and losing it.  The difference between joy and bitterness, between self-pity and victorious faith." - Ray Pritchard

    If we  start with us, we will end with us and be no better off.  If we start with God, we  started in the only possible place to find any lasting answers. This may be the central message of the book of Job.  In the beginning Job faces unimaginable loss, a series of catastrophes that left him scratching his sores on the ash heap, with a wife urging him to curse God and die.  The largest part of the book is a dialogue with his friends over why these things have happened.

    I love to read the Book Job from time to time.  Here’s the most amazing fact..  Job never found out why God chose him for such suffering.  His central question remains unanswered.  He apparently never found out about Satan’s part in the whole scheme.  So, in terms of specific answers, he is left in the dark.  But by the end of the book there is a huge difference.  When he at last bows before the Lord, he acknowledges God’s sovereignty.  “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you” (Job 42:2 NLT).  

    I suppose the question might be put this way: Am I willing to believe that God knows what he’s doing in my life when I don’t have a clue?  In his book “If God is in Charge,” Steve Brown tells the story of a class his associate pastor was teaching in which he said that God is sovereign, God is love, and no matter how bad things get, Christians should praise Him.  He went on to say that the real test of praise is not when things are going well but when they are going badly.  During the question and answer period that followed, a man raised his hand and said, “I just can’t buy what you say about praising God in the midst of evil and hurt.  I don’t believe that when you lose someone you love through death, or you have cancer, or you lose your job, that you ought to praise God.”

    The associate pastor then offered a simple, yet profound, answer. “What other alternatives do you propose?”  This question begs for an answer.  If God is not sovereign, then who is?  If God is not in control, who’s running the show?  But the good news is this.  Our God is in control.  “The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.”  I admit that it doesn’t always appear to be so, but it is true.

    There are two choices we can make.  We can reject God’s sovereignty, which ultimately leads to despair and frustration, or we can bow before him in humble submission, which leads to praise and freedom.  He made us, and although we left him, he found us and bought us with the price of Jesus’ blood.  Now we are his forever.

    This is God’s record.  “What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)  We  know with certainty that his throne is in heaven, he rules over all, and he loves us so much that he gave his Son that we might have everlasting life.  He who upholds the universe holds me in the palm of his hand.  He who guides the stars guides my life too.  He who knows all things from beginning to end knows me, and I entrust my life to him.  Amen.

In Christ,



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