again we praise the Lord for His wonder working power and amazing grace.
He blessed us with a beautiful weekend. "Our Town" celebrated
the "1890 Union Fair" this past Saturday. It was a Sizzling Hot
late summer Saturday. There were parades, marches, Exhibits, foods,
and plentiful social gatherings. Alice had presented her handmade
quilts and other needlework for display along with some of baked goods and
canned goods. A plate of cinnamon rolls baked by Alice, was
auctioned for $75.00 and a loaf of bread by her, was auctioned for
$27.00. The whole day was filled with blessings and His grace. The
Lord blessed us with a wonderful day of worship on 9/11. It was a service
of commemoration and celebration.
we celebrate the birthday of our oldest daughter, Janice. She was born 40
years ago today in Corpus Christi (Body Of Chris)", Texas. She
has been a great blessing to us all of these years. She is blessed with a
"Beautiful Mind" and a "Brave Heart'. She is courageous,
and often lives her life on the edge. She loves the Lord and serves with
Him with great passion as she ministers to the least , the last and the
lost. The Lord has blessed her heart and mind to live in simplicity and
beauty, thus impacting the Kingdom of Jesus our Lord. She often provokes
me to the essence and the realness of life and living in Jesus. Janice is
no longer a curly haired toddler, but a beautiful mama with three great
children of her own, who are as adventurous as she.
In every Church I have served, we always made room and time for celebration .
In Christ alone we have every thing that we need for life and for
righteousness. We have 10 thousand reasons to celebrate. We
celebrate the Lord's supper where we celebrate His victory and power. We
celebrate in every gathering in the name of Jesus. As we gather for
communion, we celebrate over a simple and a very common meal. We
recognize that Jesus is the Host at every meal and we are His honored
guests. I love the verse, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and
share a meal with him." That's what it says in Revelation 3:20.
has been a picture of worship and fellowship with God since Leviticus, when
people brought animals that were sacrificed. When the animal was sacrificed,
part of the celebration was eating the food together in God's presence. When
Jesus wanted to communicate to his disciples his deepest personal presence, he
said, "I want you to share a meal with me tonight. Go and prepare
the Passover. I deeply desire"—that's the word he uses—"I
deeply desire to eat a meal with you." It was over that meal that he
washed their feet and showed them his presence in a very personal
way. One day, he will call us to a great marriage supper, a great
feast, a great banquet. "Blessed is everyone who is invited to the
marriage supper of the Lamb." Even in Revelation the last
picture of God dwelling with his people is at the dinner table. That's where we
are invited to be - at the king's table.
know that the Risen Lord, is calling us to be grateful for our
invitation to sit at the king's table. Think about God and his grace to
us. He not only withheld from us the punishment that's deserved—that's
mercy, but then he bestowed and lavished upon us all kinds of spiritual
blessings - that's grace. Amazing!
In Christ,
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