Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 6/21/16

Praise the Lord for the sweet and spectacular summer season.  I goofed around yesterday, the first day of summer.  I talked to our granddaughters Micah and Ada in Boston.  They are getting ready for summer.  All is in summer default mode. They sometimes get to go to some of the iconic beaches in Massachusetts.  They also get to swim at the iconic Walden Pond.  They are growing up celebrating the "Simple Gifts " of the Lord.  I want the summer to linger long... even unending.  As we get ready for my "Passage to India" next week I am getting excited and trusting the Lord for His wonders and miracles.  I woke up around 3:00 this morning for early morning devotions and was listening to some of the music by "Hill Song" of Australia.  I am ready for summer.  

    When I was in Australia several years ago our guide told us that it was best to be inside when the sun went down, because that's “when all the creatures come out and begin eating each other.”  The outback creatures were playing "Hide and Seek" with survival as the prize.  You and I do that each day.  The sun is going down all over the world.  What was forbidden a few years ago, now is accepted and defended in spite of God’s Word saying that these things are abominations, unnatural and sinful.

    In this world of fear, dread, and terror people are scouring for safety, security, significance, and salvation.  We cannot find these things in the temporary rhythms that control this world.  Safety is found anytime it is needed by hiding under the wings of Almighty God.  “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge” (Psalm 91:4).  What a picture of warmth and protection we find in His availability and commitment to us.  Only the Holy Spirit can bring the comfort and security we need.  Only the Spirit of God was given by the Father and the Son to comfort us with peace that has an eternal quality (John 16: 26; 14:26-27).

    Scripture tells us where we are to hide.  Safety is found in a relationship with the One who controls life, the Creator.  He controls life, the environment and the forces of nature.  It is written: “The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble.  The Lord helps and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in Him” (Ps. 37:39-40).  Safety comes from a personal relationship with God Almighty through His Son, whom He sent to make a way through His death, burial and resurrection.  We can surrender our lives to Him with full abandon and live out lives of worship and service.

    I came across the following poem, "Finding the Place Where I Should Hide

    "Taking refuge in Jesus, I find peace.
    I become a little child whose trust is near.
    He stands between me and what I fear.

    Taking refuge in Jesus, I am safe.
    I become calm; I’m now found.
    He holds me above shifting ground.

    Taking refuge in Jesus, I am strong.
    I can raise my head and I can see.
    He sets me free and abides with me.

    Taking refuge in Jesus,
    I have found where I should hide.
    It’s the same place where I abide."

In Christ,


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