Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 12/8/15

The seasons are changing and the days are growing shorter, and our hearts and minds turn to the Advent and Christmas seasons ahead of us.  It is really almost that time again!  It is a new season in the year, and a new season of our lives at the same time.  This year we will be sharing this beloved season with new friends and co-laborers in a new congregation, but the very heart of Christmas has not changed, and will not change, though the earth be blanketed by a thousand winters and warmed by a thousand summers.  It is the season of LOVE incarnate, come down to earth to know us, to be known by us, and to bring the love and grace of God to us. 

It seems that we have blinked a couple of times and another year has flown by, leaving us almost as bewildered observers in its wake.  A year ago if someone had suggested that we would move to Marathon, NY in the coming months and serve the church there I would have thought them to be joking. Yet, in the spring of 2015 it was actually suggested to us (and, of course, I thought it was really a joke at first), and at the end of June we packed up our worldly belongings and made the move to our home on Main Street in Marathon.  Who would have thought that this was even a possibility?  After 25 years of serving the Lord in Union Center (and 15 years that I have taught in Marathon) it became a reality.  It was really clever of the Lord to place us here, so that I could move in a few boxes a day for a couple of weeks, so that the main move could be accomplished in a couple of days and the house could look and feel like home within a couple of weeks. 

What can be said, really?  It has been a year of historic proportions – or at least in terms of the life of our family.  There have three or four events whose enormity and importance cannot be overlooked.  As I already said, there was THE move.  For anyone who has packed up 25 years of belongings and weeded out 25 years of clutter, no more need be said about that except whew!  I, for one, am glad to have it over.  Prior to the move all of the girls came home a couple of times – first to help us sort and pack, and then as we had our retirement/farewell party as we left Union Center.  (Don’t be too confused as – yes, Brown retired from full time service as a pastor in the United Methodist Church, but no, he did not fully retire, and so took a part time pastorate in Marathon. Though it is “part time”, he is actively engaged in full-time ministry.)  It was amazing to have all of our family come home to “roast” my husband and to welcome the 300 or so guests that came to his party.  On our last Sunday most of the congregation even showed up wearing purple, his signature color. 

My husband’s ministry in Marathon is and has been full-fledged and multi-faceted.  He is involved in his Wednesday evening Bible study and suppers.  On Thursday afternoons he is involved in “release time” with the children.  He has resumed his weekly TV outreach and is making plans to post some of his messages on YOUTUBE.  He continues his daily blog in cyberspace.  He is busy meeting and greeting people around the town.

To back up a little further, last Christmas Jessica and Tom gave us a beautiful Christmas card with a special gift inside – a copy of their ultrasound for the baby they were expecting.  Little Rosalind Evangeline Ross arrived on July 8 – one week after her Momma’s birthday and exactly on her 8 year old cousin Simeon’s birthday!  She is a joy to both of her parents, to all of her aunties (usually by e-mail, facetime, or telephone), and to her Grandmom and Grandpa.  (Also she has doting grandparents who live just a few blocks away from her.)  We were able to go to Abington on the day of her birth, a couple of weeks later to give her parents a little grandparental boost, and on the way back from Washington, DC after the birth of her cousin.

Cousin?  Ah, yes!  Just after Valentine’s Day we were able to make a visit to Washington, DC, where we received an intriguing Valentine’s card that hinted at the coming of a seventh grandchild.  After years of waiting, praying, and hoping, Sunita and Andy were going to parent their third child (a little baby sister to Gabe, their son, and Adelaide, their little daughter – Addie became officially “Groth” on National Adoption Day, November 21).  If you don’t quite get the logistics, when Asha (meaning “hope”) Evelyn Cora Groth was born on September 1 (her parents’ anniversary) it meant that they had 3 children under the age of 2 ½.  We arrived on August 31 in Washington, DC to help Laureen take care of Gabe and Addie while their Momma and Daddy were in the hospital to give birth to Asha and so were able to see their newborn at the hospital just hours later.  It took both Laureen and I to get both little ones to sleep.  I was grateful that I didn’t have to do it alone.  We stayed with them for about a week before we needed to return home to our jobs and responsibilities. 

Between the births of our two granddaughters Brown and I managed to get away for 10 days on an Amtrak trip across the country in celebration of our fortieth wedding anniversary.  It was, in many ways, a dream come true for me, as I have always had a deep-seated desire to see much more of our great land.  We left from Syracuse, NY on an overnight train to Chicago, IL, where we transferred to the California Zephyr.  We took the Zephyr across the plains, through the magnificent Rocky Mountains, all the way to Emoryville, CA.  The climb into the mountains was breathtaking!  At times we could see both the front and the rear of the train from the observation windows. 

Though I previously had no knowledge of where Emoryville was located, it turned out to be a beautiful city located on San Francisco Bay, and we could see the San Francisco Bay Bridge, as well as the Golden Gate Bridge from our hotel window.  From Emoryville we traveled by train and bus to Yosemite National Park, where we stayed overnight and took a marvelous tour up to Glacier point.  The tram system at Yosemite makes the park accessible to massive numbers of tourists without jamming the park with automobiles.  Ingenious!  We loved our time there, especially strolling along, breathing in the cedar-scented air, as we found many a photo-op.  We enjoyed the sights, smells, service, and stories, as well as the people.  There were people of all nationalities in Yosemite, but especially British, it seemed. 

From Yosemite it was back to Emoryville, and then, the next day, across the bridge to San Francisco as we began our journey down the Pacific Coast to Los Angeles where we caught a train to Flagstaff, AZ.  From Flagstaff we took a short journey northward to the Grand Canyon.  When we arrived it was cool and raining lightly, but soon the sun burst forth and brightened the landscape.  We spent hours walking around the canyon rim, drinking in the breathtaking scenery, taking many a picture.  Every so often Brown would perch precariously a foot or so from the edge.  After a lifetime of fearing heights this would have been too much for me, but he seemed to enjoy making me think he was in more danger than he actually was.  (He doesn’t really like heights, either!)  We had a wonderful time walking together, talking, relaxing, and taking it all in.  We loved seeing the many visitors along the trails – at the Grand Canyon there were many French speaking people.  We also loved talking with Native American workers on staff there, hearing their stories, and sharing a bit of their lives.  When we returned to Flagstaff we enjoyed a short walk around the “city center” where we saw for the first time a “party bike” filled with many passengers who were all peddling their multi-wheeled conveyance and having a great time. 

Our Amtrak trip was the first major trip that Brown and I had taken together without children or other friends in many years.  It was relaxing and refreshing, and we were grateful every day to the Lord for allowing us to have that time together.  Really, one of the few “down-sides” of the trip was the limited menu in the dining car, and we began to dread meal times, if you can imagine.  It was so nice to arrive back at home and to cook some simple and nourishing food for ourselves once again. 

Brown and I have spent some wonderful time with each of our four daughters this year.  They are all wonderful, Godly, gracious women.  Recently we had almost 5 days with Janice and Jeremy and our dear Micah, Simeon, and Ada.  We love them all so dearly!  It was fun to have Micah, Simeon, and Ada all “embroidering” as Janice and I knitted.  We trounced through the crunchy autumn leaves as Simeon climbed some of the very large boulders “freestyle” and we all explored the countryside.  On another day we took a small picnic lunch to share with the children near Jamaica Pond.  We plan to celebrate Christmas with them a little early so that we can share some Christmas joy with the children (and their parents, of course!)

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  We spent this beloved day of thanks in Washington, DC, and we even walked down to the National Botanical Garden, where there was a model train exhibit running (which stopped Gabe in his tracks as he watched, enraptured).  While we were in DC I received a very special early Christmas gift – Laureen and I went to see Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” – and I was transported back to my childhood once more.  Grandpa Brown spent many an hour with a wee girl on his arm – sometimes Addie, sometimes Lindie, and sometimes Asha.  He was in “Grandpa Heaven”. 

            Since our return to Upstate NY we have begun the celebrations of Advent.  We have enjoyed the rich and full sounds of the St. Petersburgh (Russia) Men’s Ensemble, introducing them to our local community.  We have also been part of a Community Wide Christmas Caroling, which involved all five of the local churches.  We began at one church and progressed on foot to each of the other four as we all welcomed in the Christmas season.  For many years I spent many hours in sewing, knitting, and other “homely” pursuits as a part of my preparations, and now I have the privilege of continuing that tradition for our seven grandchildren.  It is such a blessing.  The house is decked out for our first Christmas open house in our new home and plans and preparations are underway to greet our friends here. 

Our beloved Advent has arrived once again!  We eagerly embrace the events of the seasons of the year, and especially in this triumphant and glorious Advent and Christmas.  We love to read the stories from the Gospels about our beloved Savior who dared to give up paradise to come to earth.  It is a joy to focus upon the Christ who humbly was placed on a bed of straw in order to reach out to the people whom He had created, and whom He loved so very much. 

We pause and ponder about the mystery and the wonder of the Lord’s birth, and we thank the Lord for each one of you.  Your love and your affection over the years have meant so much to us.  This comes to you, around the corner and around the globe, with our deep love and gratitude.  May your hearts and hearths be filled with deep and abiding love and peace. 

Joy to the World!  The Lord is come!  Hallelujah!

Brown and Alice

p.s. In our move we misplaced many of our addresses that we had collected through the years, so please accept this mailing as our Christmas card to you.  We love to send and receive cards, but with the loss of the list it will be difficult.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Our new mailing address is: PO Box 423, Marathon, NY  13803

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