Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 12/2/15

   Praise the Lord for this wonderful season of dreams and miracles.  The season is one of extravagant generosity and caring, of gifts given and received, simple and profound.  Wherever the Good News of Jesus has been proclaimed and received the landscape becomes transformed with brilliance and colors.  We all become like children dreaming and anticipating the best.  Yesterday, Tuesday,  was designated as "Giving Tuesday", which is a growing global movement to encourage generosity at the start of the Christmas season.  It was reported that one of the richest men announced yesterday that along with his wife they are giving away 99 % of their wealth to bless others.  We are all blessed that we get to give and bless others.  Praise the Lord for all those who love Jesus and His Kingdom.  Many of them are the most generous people, who give with great generosity and with great sacrifice and invest in the kingdom which has eternal returns. 
    I praise the Lord for a young  man whom the Lord provided to tape our weekly Television outreach, which is seen on Fridays at 7:00 PM.  I have known his parents for the last 20 years.  They are both medical professionals who have been blessed with 6 boys.  The boys love the Lord and are blessed with servant hearts. The young man shared with me that along with studies he helps his grandpa and his uncle.   His grandpa is logger. The young man loves to work outdoors and in the woods.  His uncle is a "Licensed snake man" who has over 100 snakes including a king cobra and rattle snakes.  He also has some other exotic snakes.  The young man told me that they feed the snakes only once a week.  He was describing to me the daily habits of the snakes.  Listening to him I was getting the creeps.
    Just make a note: The St. Petersburg Men's Ensemble, straight from Russia, will be with us at the Marathon United Methodist Church. They will present "All Night Vigil" (opus 37) by Sergei Rachmaninoff, as well as some Russian Folk songs.  The Concert will start at 7:00 PM, this Friday December 4, 2015, preceded by dinner at 6:00 PM.  All are welcome.  It will be a brilliant concert.  BRILLIANT !
    We will meet for our Wednesday fellowship and study this evening at 6:00 PM.  
    The news carried a story a few years ago of a faithful father, James Kim.  “On November 25, 2006 the Kims had begun a drive home to San Francisco, California, after a Thanksgiving vacation in Oregon.  They missed a turn and found themselves stranded in snow and lost on one of Oregon’s treacherous mountain roads — an area that is rarely plowed during the winter.  At some point, James Kim tried to back up the car to where there was less snow to block them.  But snow was falling so fast and furiously that he had to open his door to see, authorities said.  Over the next few days, the snow and rain fell unrelentingly, Kati Kim told searchers.  The family ran the car sporadically to keep warm as temperatures dipped below freezing at night.  After running out of gas, they set a spare tire on fire and eventually burned all four tires for warmth.  When the weather let up briefly, they burned magazines and driftwood.”  But after waiting a week for rescue, James Kim got out of the safety of the car and began to walk to get help for his family.  His desire to save his family, and his faithfulness to them, cost him his life.  'What would we do in the same situation?'”  
    Some body has said, “You can survive 3 weeks without food; 3 days without water; 3 hours without shelter; 3 minutes without air, but not three seconds without hope.”  We have hope because of Christmas, and we not only survive, but we thrive, because we have a faithful father who has sacrificed his life in order to save us and bring us out of the mess we are in. 
    Our Lord God who incarnated in the Person of Jesus Christ our Lord  is on the move. Most of  the world's religions believe that history is cyclical, and that is keeps happening over and over.  In this world view there is not real purpose in life.  One Eastern religion uses the symbol of a snake or dragon eating its own tail.  This show the endless cycle of life as well as life's futility.  For followers of that religion, caught in pessimism and despair, life is a vicious cycle.  
. It is like C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, where the White Witch has frozen Narnia. Mr. Tumnus tells Lucy that it is now a place where it is “Always winter, and never Christmas.”  But Aslan (the lion representing Christ) is on the move, and Narnia soon will turn to Spring.  There are still battles to be fought, but the White Witch will be vanquished and Narnia will once again be a place of warmth and joy, and the true princes and princesses of Narnia will be recognized for who they are.  Just because we cannot see it or understand it does not mean that God is not very much on the move.  He is excitedly and expediently working out his plan.  The writer of Ecclesiastes says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. . . . I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him”.  The Christian faith teaches that history is headed somewhere.  God is up to something.  There is meaning and destiny to life, and God is in charge of it. There is a loving God at the heart of the universe, and we are the objects of his love. God is not sleeping on a cloud somewhere, he is watching over us.     The Bible says, "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him" (II Chronicles 16:9).  The Gospels are filled with Jesus' admonitions to be alert and watchful because God is on the move.  He does not act in the way that we predict or come when we expect.  He comes at an hour that is unanticipated.  Jesus said, "It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes" (Luke 12:37). He says in the book of Revelation, “Behold, I come like a thief!” (Revelation 16:15). in Christ,

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