Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 10/13/15

   Praise the Lord for the wonderful days of October.  We drove to Boston to spend a few days with our grandchildren and their parents.  We drove through  the beautiful States of New York and Massachusetts.  The autumn colors were at their peak.  The skies were cloudless and the mountains and the hills, fields, and meadows were colorful.  As we drove it seemed as if beauty comes mingled with blessing that seemed unending.  Many tourists come from around the world to drive through and enjoy the amazing beauty and magnificent colors the Lord of creation displays once in a year in due season in this region.  We exalt His Name. Our time with our grand children is always a special treat.  We read books to them.  We saw them ride their bikes, build intricate lego houses, and do all kinds of crafts with much imagination.  We took long walks  in the city, and on Sunday afternoon we walked around one of beautiful parks, where Simeon climbed the rocks.  We all went to church Sunday Morning.  During the offering time four year old Ada had 50 cents to put in the offering but instead she took $1.00 out of her wallet to put in the basket. 

      Praise the Lord for the way He imparts His peace to us.  He is the Prince of peace.  The peace of the Christian is only possible because of the presence of Christ, and the peace of the Christian is the presence of our Lord.  We can hear the Lord saying in Psalm 23, “Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am with you.”     Frederick Buechner talks about the blessings that the Lord gives His people and yet, at the same time, the trials that His people go through.  He says something like this, “Jesus says to you, ‘Here is your life.  You might never have been, but in my goodness, I brought you into existence and into this world.  Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen, but do not be afraid, I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us.  I am next to you.  I am for you.  I love you.” Buechner is almost paraphrasing Romans 8, but with a little bit of John 14 to 16 thrown in.  What we need in the darkest places of life is to know that we're not alone, but that the Lord is with us.    One of the saddest verses in all of the New Testament is found in 2 Timothy 4:16 in which Paul wrote, “At my first defense, no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me.”  That really is astonishing.  Ever since Paul's arrest in Judea, his whole goal in the Christian life had been to be taken all the way to the high court in Rome, just a few blocks from the emperor's palace and testify to the grace of Christ in the Gospel in the court of Caesar.  When the day finally came for Paul to be able to give that testimony, Paul wrote that no one - no friends, no family, no fellow Christians, no fellow ministers - came to be by his side.  It seemed that Paul was absolutely alone, but in reality he wasn't.  The very next thing that Paul said is,  “But the Lord stood by me.”   When Paul was all by himself before the powers Rome , the Lord of Heaven and Earth was there standing by him.  The Same Lord is with us at all times at all junctures , at all detours  of life.   When He is there by our side .. we can say all is well.  His Peace passes  all understanding.  His love never fails.  His mercy never ends.

In Christ,


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