We talked to our daughters
yesterday. They are well. Our grand children are growing up in Jesus's love
and above all, and best of all, in His Amazing grace.
One of my friends from Orissa posted
a picture of the rice fields from the area where I was born and raised.
The rice fields are looking luscious green and serine. These rice fields are
greener, much greener, than that of the Links of Scotland and Ireland. One of our
friends from Southern England even commented on this photograph. The
Lord surrounds us with His matchless beauty around the corner and around the
I attended a burial service that was
held on the "High Lands" yesterday. A layman in his 90's, conducted the service.
He spoke of the "Sure and Certain Hope", that we have in
I also visited a family who has
gone through some personal tragedy and trials and has experienced massive
grief. We shared in the blessed assurance we have in Jesus and because of
When our daughters were young we
made an annual pilgrimage to one particular Apple orchard to pick our autumn
supply of apples. This Orchard is located near Ithaca and was run by some
"earthy" people. I found out that there is an Apple orchard not far from us.
We can pick apples this season. We are excited.
As Christians, we wage war each day
against our spiritual enemy. Although our Lord has defeated this enemy on
Calvary's cross, Satan still wreaks havoc in our lives. He knows that his time
is short. He knows that one day, perhaps soon, he will be fully and finally
destroyed. He knows that he is a defeated foe. Yet, despite knowing of his
coming defeat, in these days Satan cunningly executes his evil in order to tempt
us and trap us in sin. He wants us to deny and dishonor the Lord. He is the
father of lies. Our Lord spoke to Peter saying, "Simon, Simon,
Satan has asked to sift you as wheat."
James Montgomery Boice, commenting
on this verse, imagines Jesus' response to Satan, saying that there was indeed
a great deal of chaff in Peter, but Satan was wrong in thinking that Peter was
only chaff. Boice imagines that our Lord may have said, "My grain is in Peter.
Consequently, I will let you blow on him, but when you are done all you will
have succeeded in doing is blowing away some of the chaff. Peter will be
stronger than before" (The Gospel of John, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981, p.
We know that the adversary and his troops tempt and trap people in sin continually. However, at least occasionally, Satan slithers before the Lord to make his case to tempt, test, and try some of God's most faithful followers. That is what this ancient enemy did several millennia ago when he sought permission to bring suffering on God's servant Job (
Whether the subject of testing is Job, Peter, or any other disciple, it
is always the Lord who sets the terms and the boundaries under which such
testing takes place. Satan may beg and badger, but God is sovereign and
supreme. Satan may whine and wheedle, but God is merciful and mighty. God is
immeasurably wiser and infinitely stronger than Satan. God has the final word.
Yes, the Lord may allow us to endure various trials and testings which come to
us from the adversary, but God has a greater purpose in mind. These tests come
so that we will learn to lean on the Lord.
We know that we have an evil adversary. We know that we face adversity from our sin, but we have the Son of God, the Savior of the world, praying for us! Jesus is our Advocate before our Heavenly Father. Therefore, no matter what Satan does, no matter how far we might fall, our faith will not fail completely and God will again make us useful for His purposes. When we are committed to Christ, when we learn to lean upon Him, He will be faithful to us, though we are so often disloyal to Him, as Peter discovered that firsthand. He fell into Satan's trap and was unfaithful to Jesus. Even so, Jesus was faithful to Peter, and Peter went on to be a great leader in the early church.
What a gracious God and loving Lord
we have been invited to serve! As with Peter, Jesus comes to us again and
again, a fifth time, a tenth time, a hundredth and thousandth time, if
necessary, that we might learn from Him and lean on Him anew. We do not deserve
another chance, much less new adventures in serving the Lord, but God's grace
gives us another opportunity anyway. As Charles Swindoll puts it, "The files of
heaven are filled with stories of redeemed, refitted renegades and rebels....
When God forgives. He is not only willing but pleased to use any vessel -- . It
may be cracked or chipped. It may be worn, or it may have never been used
before. You can count on this -- the past ended one second ago. From this point
onward, you can be clean, filled with His Spirit, and used in many different
ways for His honor" (Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life, Portland:
Multnomah, 1983, p. 253).
Thanks be to God for this Good
News! New adventures and new opportunities to serve Christ await
In Christ who makes our lives
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