Saturday, August 29, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 8/29/15

   The Lord has once again blessed us with an abundant week.  We spent part of the week in Boston with our three grandchildren and their parents.  While we were in Boston we were able to walk a lot.  One day we walked to the Amazing Arnold Arboretum.  On another day we spent the afternoon at the beach playing with our grandchildren.  We spent plenty of time reading books to the children, playing board games with them, and learning to look at life with a sense of wonder and awe through the eyes of children.  We got home safe and secure and are getting ready for worship tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM.  I am continuing to preach from Psalm 103, one of my most favorite Psalms.  My sermon has been divided into several sections, and tomorrow I will be preaching on "Amazing Grace' as it is portrayed in Psalm 103.

    Our Lord God, as revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ, is both gracious and kind.  His grace causes Him to come to the aid of the weak.  Our Lord  innately cares and is concerned for the weak, though this care is undeserved.  There is no reason for Him to care for us.  He is the stronger coming to the aid of the weaker, but it is only at His own initiation.  He cares; He is compassionate; and He is involved in our lives and our world though we don't deserve His care or concern. He gives it by His own gracious action.  We need to understand that compassion and grace are not what God does but who God is.  God cares for us with no ulterior motives, and we never can repay Him.


    Our Lord  cares.  He cares graciously and goes beyond all expectations.  When God puts compassion and graciousness together, He reminds us that He cares for us extravagantly; and He does so knowing there is no way we can repay Him.


    The enemy will cause us  to question the care of Jesus.  When we  leave the hospital after visiting someone on life support, when we  watch believers suffering miscarriages, when cancer strikes someone we  love, when drug abuse hits close to home, when divorce visits those in whom we have invested, when those who have been the pillars of faith enter hospice care — let us  remember our Lord  cares!


    Some time ago I read a story about  the Rev. W. Stillman Martin.  In 1904, in Lestershire, N.Y., the Rev. W. Stillman Martin, a well-known Baptist evangelist, was invited to preach at a church some distance from the Bible school.  That Sunday morning, Mrs. Martin suddenly fell ill and was confined to her bed, making it impossible for her to accompany her husband to his preaching engagement.  Mr. Martin seriously considered canceling his speaking assignment, because he would have to be away for a considerably long time.  However, their young son spoke up and said, "Father, don't you think that if God wants you to preach today, He will take care of Mother while you are away?"  Agreeing, Mr. Martin kept his preaching appointment, and the service proved to be unusually blessed by God, with several people professing Christ as Savior.


    Returning later that evening, Mr. Martin found his wife greatly improved in health. In fact, while he was gone she had been engaged in preparing a new hymn text, inspired by the chance remark of their young son earlier that day.  That same evening, Stillman Martin composed the music for his wife's words just as they still are sung today.

    Be not dismayed whate'er betide,
    God will take care of you
    Beneath His wings of love abide,
    God will take care of you.
    God will take care of you,
    Through every day, over all the way;
    He will take care of you,
    God will take care of you.

  Our daughter Sunita is expecting her baby this weekend in Washington. Please pray for her and the baby.

   Jesus is Lord.

    In Him,


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