Friday, July 31, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 7/31/15

Praise the Lord for sweet summer days.  Here we are at the end of July.  We spent last few days in Abington, Pennsylvania with our youngest daughter, Jessica, her husband, Tom, and our newborn granddaughter Rosalind.  Rosalind is beautiful and sweet.  We are blessed indeed.  The temperature was in the 90's while we were there.  It was like India  .  I was at home there.  Praise the Lord for the gift of grandchildren.  They are so precious.  We praise the Lord for life for both born and yet to be born.  While  caring for Rosalind I was able to refresh my readings from the Gospels.
    Jesus must have loved  summer.  He spent much His time by the Sea of Galilee. On one occasion He crossed the sea of Galilee and went to the Decapolis (a region of Ten Cities).  He was confronted there by a man who was demon possessed. Jesus our Lord confronted with authority and boldness the demons in this man whose name we do not know.  Jesus said, "Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!"  Jesus still speaks to the evil in us, telling it, “Come out of that person.”  We all have evil voices, evil impulses, and evil thoughts in us.  We are weaker human beings than we often allow people to see.  Jesus wants to heal us of our inner demons.  This concept is basic and still relevant for us and our world today.

    Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?"  He replied, "My name is Legion; for we are many." There are many evil thoughts, evil impulses, evil shadows in our minds.  The word, “legion,” properly describes the myriad of evil impulses in us as human beings.  C. S. Lewis, said that we human beings are a “myriad of impulses, a cauldron of evil desires.”  Sometimes, and far too often, life can be permeated with great evil that is almost beyond human comprehension.  In those moments, we as human beings are tempted to give in to the intensity of evil around us.   Jesus brings His healing , wellness,  and peace in those situations where a person or a society is permeated by a legion of devils.  There is no situation so bad that Jesus does not bring his healing power.  Jesus wants to bring healing to the worst of all the situations we can encounter.  

    We all know about the  miracle Jesus performed in the Gentile Region called Decapolis.  The man who had so long been possessed and tormented by the legion of demons was fully healed and restored with sound mind and a clean heart.  A Roman legion consisted of six thousand men, so it was as if this man had six thousand demons living inside of him.  People could not wait to come and see what it had happened there.  They came to Jesus and saw the demoniac sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, the very same man, and they were afraid.  “He was clothed in his right mind.” 

    As Jesus was getting back into the boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged him that he might stay with him, but Jesus refused, and said to him, "Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you."  This sentence feels as if it were written yesterday.  At the heart of being a Christian is telling how much the Lord God has done for us and how much the Lord has had mercy on us.  Each of us has stories about how the Lord has healed us, been with us, and strengthened us.  We know where our healing and strength have come from and we want to share what has happened to us with our friends and family.  In this Gospel narrative we are invited  to share our personal healings with family and friends.

    The man went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed.  The healed person not only went to his family and friends but he went out to his whole city  to tell about the healing miracle of Jesus in his life. 

    As we gather this coming Sunday in the Lord's house let us share about the mighty deeds the Lord has done in our lives.  Let us also declare about the mighty deeds He is in the process of doing very possibly unknown to us, yet to be seen, yet to be known and yet to be revealed.  Blessed be His Name.

In Christ,


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