Friday, February 6, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 2/6/15

Praise the Lord for this new day.  I woke up early, around 4 AM, and looked at the moon shining brilliantly upon the snow-capped fields.  It looked glorious.  A few years ago I spent two weeks of summer in Alaska, where, during that time of year, daylight lasts for 20 hours every day.  The temperature reached into the 90's while I was there.  The Alaska winters are long, but the locals told us they know how to celebrate in the winter months.  They are blessed with hot springs all around, so they celebrate well the simple gifts of the Lord. 

    Join us this evening for our weekly television outreach at 7:00 PM on Time Warner Cable channel 4.  We are getting ready for our February gathering and celebration tomorrow 5:30 PM.  The church Hall is being transformed into a banqueting Hall once again as our young Chef Dave Childs and the team are preparing a very special meal tomorrow.  I met with the  team yesterday. They are excited about serving the Lord, blessing His people.  Dr Dino Pedrone, the president of Davis College will be the guest speaker for this event. 
    We will gather for worship at 10:15 AM at Union Center and at 9:00 AM at Wesley UMC.  Sunday School will meet at 9:00 AM at Union Center.
    One of the readings for this  Sunday is taken from Isaiah 40, "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Some Biblical scholars  believe that Isaiah has destroyed the poetic structure as he spoke about flying then running and then walking.  You would think it would be the other way around, they say, but I know the Lord gave His word to Isaih the exact way the Lord had it in His mind and heart.  They who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength and, sometimes because of God's intervention, they will mount up with wings as eagles.  They will be carried above their circumstances and be able to dance among the clouds.  Other times there will be the interaction of God in which they will run and not be weary.  And other times they will be able to walk and not faint.
    We all  have gone through some of  the difficult experience in our lives.  We become overwhelmed. There are times when we wake up up in the morning and wonder if we can make it through the day.  We wake up in the morning and wonder if we can make it to noon.  At noon we  wonder if we can make it to evening.  We do not expect to fly.  We do not  expect to run.  We  just wonder if we can even walk.  Then, in the evening, when we get into bed, we thank God that we walked without fainting.
    God keeps his promises according to his purposes and according to our needs. Sometimes we mount with wings as eagles and soar among the clouds, and almost touch the stars at great events in life.  Other times we run and are not weary; we have the second wind of grace.  At other times, we walk one step at a time, and we don't faint.  But we  know this: God will not lie to us.  They who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.  Sometimes they mount up with wings as eagles.  Other times we run and are not weary, and at other times, at other times, we walk and we don't faint.  We can count on that.
In Christ,

1 comment:

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Wow Alaska....sounds amazing. And waiting. I'm so not a good wait person but waiting is so important. Hugs Jules.