Friday, January 23, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 1/23/15

      Praise the Lord for this new day.   It is Friday... and Sunday is coming.  Those who live in the area join us for our weekly television outreach this evening at 7 PM on Time Warner Channel 4.   We will gather for the Sunday School hour at 9:00 AM with classes for all ages, and for worship at 10:15 at Union Center United Methodist Church.  The Coffee table will be open at 9 AM and there will be a full coffee reception after the morning worship.  Aric Phinney, our music minister and choir director, will lead  in worship with music and songs.  Justin Brown will be playing drums.  Mary Brown and Grant DeGaramo will be leading singing.  Betty Phinney will accompany at the organ.  There will be a staffed nursery.  Junior church will meet during the worship.  Kari Hettinger and Mike Meilunas will provide  power point.  We are ready to rock for Jesus.  Come and join us.  There will be time for prayer for  healing and blessing after the service.  We are expecting miracles and blessings.  I am preaching from Mark 1: 14-20

    We will gather at Wesley at 9:00 AM for worship.  Alice will be preaching .  Mike Wingard will be leading worship.  Ruth Gent will be at the piano.   


    TIME magazine's Person of the Year in 2011 was "The Protester".  Protesters were the big story in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Mexico, Greece, America, and Russia. The article said, "The word protest has appeared in newspapers and online exponentially more this past year than at any other time in history."  People are fed up with the violence and injustice.  Sometimes I wonder if anything much will change.  Sometimes it seems that the world is so messed up that there's no hope. 


    We have been studying the prophets during our Wednesday evening gatherings.  .In Habakkuk and Jeremiah's day, Babylon became a juggernaut. Its vast capital was seemingly impenetrable and it was certainly lavish, as it included one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Nebuchadnezzar's hanging gardens. However, Babylon's heyday did not last long when the nation was suddenly crushed by the Persians less than 100 years later.

    In a very real sense, Babylon never went away. In the Bible, Babylon is not just a country.  It is, rather, a kind of perpetual shadow kingdom.  Babylon shows up again in the Book of  Revelation, where we see Babylon the Great, seated like a great queen who is also a prostitute, seducing all the nations of the earth to their doom. Her method is not so much warfare as the marketplace. Just as ancient Babylonians plundered and looted wherever they went, so Babylon the Great loots the world.  What's more, she is bent on destroying the people of God.  Babylon the Great is a powerhouse in our world.  She is not a country, but infects the world with that same proud, ruthless, insatiable DNA as that ancient kingdom.  At the heart of Babylon the Great is a bloodthirsty violence bent on plundering the wealth and life of all people on earth, but especially the people of God.  All her violence and injustice are solely intended to satisfy the ruthless arrogance of Satan and all others who refuse God. 
`We read again  about the great Babylon in the Book of Revelation where chapter 18 begins, "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!"  Then verse four says, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues."  In God's good time, "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea."  The ashes of Babylon the Great will be swept from memory.  Just as the flood in Noah's day destroyed everything, so there is coming a deluge of the glory of God that will recreate a new heaven and new earth where God reigns alone and supreme, where every citizen of his kingdom is redeemed and Christ-like, where nature groans no more and the lion lies down with the lamb, where the best of the nations is brought into the Holy City, where every acre, every endeavor, and every soul bows gladly to the Lord Jesus Christ, for he is "the glory of the LORD."  We will not sell our souls to Babylon.  We will wait; through suffering if need be, till the earth is flooded with the knowledge of the glory of God.

    Isaiah 21:9 says, "Babylon has fallen, has fallen!  All the images of its gods lie shattered on the ground!"  There are no other gods.  Only this is true: "The LORD is in his holy temple."  He has always been there and always will be.  No matter how chaotic the world might seem to be, "the Lord is in his holy temple."  No matter how the righteous suffer and the wicked seem to prosper, "the Lord is in his holy temple."  He is surrounded by the hosts of heaven and celebrated by the saints he has saved.  "Let all the earth be silent before him."  Let the wicked catch their breath in terror.  Let everything in all creation fall to their knees before the Lord Jesus Christ.  Babylon's shouts of triumph are stilled and their drunken celebrating has gone as silent as the grave.  "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him."  Since that is true, the only safe place to be is among those who love and worship the LORD in his temple.

    Babylon the Great still sits gloating on her throne, trading in the souls of people, but rest assured that we live by trusting God, no matter what happens.  In God's good time, only the knowledge of the glory of the LORD will flood the earth and God will disgrace and destroy the wicked.  Finally, rest assured that the LORD reigns right now from his holy temple and soon all the world will know it.
In Jesus our Lord,
 Pastor  Brown
Good Morning, Pastor Brown~
Last evening at the mall was truly a HIGHLIGHT of this Christmas for me!  Watching the little 'cherubs' participating, the parents taking pictures, seeing other Christians I haven't seen in a while, listening to Yancy and his Christmas music...all of it was more than a thrill.  But to be in the midst of so many Christians at the MALL (!!!!!!!!)jointly singing to our Lord almost took my breath away.  I am overwhelmed with the sin in this world, the filth on TV, the language we hear when passing people on the street, etc.  So to be worshiping Christ in the middle of the public mall made me think of "...every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..."  WOW, do we have something to look forward to.  Then in the Daily Bread this AM I read (in part) the following:

"Every Christmas, as we celebrate Christ's first coming with glorious music, I'm reminded that God's people, like choir and orchestra members, are getting ready for the next downbeat of the conductor when Christ will come again.  On that day, we will participate with Him in the final movement of God's symphony of redemption -- making all things new.  In anticipation, we need to keep our eyes on the conductor and make sure we are ready."  I AM SO EXCITED! 

I'm sorry this is so long, but I wanted to encourage you for making last evening happen.  I am so very thankful for you and your lovely wife and all that you do.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, my brother!

In Christ,

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