Thursday, January 15, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 1/15/15

    Praise the Lord for the Month of January and new beginnings.  My wife celebrated her birthday on the 11th of this month.  Our granddaughter Ada will celebrate her 4th birthday tomorrow, January 16.  It is all of His grace and mercy.  It has been cold, yet it has been very fresh and invigorating.  It will be warming up by this weekend.  

    The Lord blessed us with a sweet fellowship and thought provoking Bible Study yesterday.  Praise the Lord for the new life we have in Him and because of Him.  We are called to celebrate this life in Jesus.  We are called to invite others to come to Jesus and receive this new Life by faith through grace.  

    We live in a fast-paced and furious world.  We live in a fleeting world.  We live in an often frightening world.  We are called pay attention to Jesus.  We are invited, "this is my well beloved Son Listen to Him".  Life is a matter of what we give our attention to.

    Simone Weil was a French Jewish woman who is widely recognized as one of the most brilliant and original minds of the 20th century.  She recorded a diary of her thoughts and observations, and in her chapter entitled, "Attention and Will," she is convinced our attention to life is much more important than our will.  The will only controls a few muscles, but attention changes our whole understanding of life.

    She describes her method of understanding of life, of images, of symbols, of events in history is not to try to understand them.  She advises us to look at them, to give our attention to them, to keep our attention on them until suddenly a light dawns and comprehension and understanding flows over us.  "Generally speaking, a method for the exercise of the intelligence consists of looking at, of pay attention to."

    Jesus took three of His disciples up onto the mountain with Him where they turned their attention toward Him.  On that mountain the light broke upon them and they began to see what is really there.  Previously they thought they knew what was happening in Jesus.  They had declared their allegiance to their own notion of the work of the Messiah, as in Peter's confession.  Then Jesus began to tell them about the suffering, rejection, and love that would not be received, about a grace that would be refused because the grace could not claim to be deserved, about a forgiveness that was not wanted if it was going to be offered to others, as well.  With this weighing upon their minds, these disciples turned their confused and frustrated attention upon Jesus.  The longer they looked, the more they saw what was truly there.  The more attention they focused on Jesus the more they learned and realized; the more they understood, the more they were blinded by the mystery that here in this life was the love and power of God at work.  On that mountain the more attention they gave Jesus the more they were overwhelmed by the power of God's glory in the mission of Jesus.  The attention on Jesus brought an understanding of how the Law of Moses and the words of the prophets were lifted up, fulfilled, completed and transformed by the grace and forgiveness presented by Jesus.  There on that mountain as they kept their attention on Jesus they heard with a divine authority that this Jesus truly spoke in the love and power of God's will, so they were to listen to Him.

    When we pay attention to Jesus and live in Him under His authority, we are surprised by " His Joy".   We get to encounter our Lord afresh and anew and to have "Jesus Moments".  The more attention we pay to Jesus and to those around us the more we come to share the attitude and love of God for others .

    The movie Dead Man Walking was the story of a nun who gives her attention to a death row inmate, and as she gives him her attention she develops an affection, a compassion for the inmate.  The more attention and comprehension of the man's life, the more understanding and forgiveness she has for him, and the more sympathy and grace she finds in her dealings with the man.  The more attention we give to Jesus, our Lord, the more we discover that in Him we have seen the fullness of God's love for all of us and that in Him we have seen the best of our selves; we have seen how we are to live at our fullest.  Where we give our attention to others, when we really give our attention, the Lord uses us to bring out the best in them by turning their attention to Jesus.

In Christ,



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