Monday, December 8, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 12-8-14

    Praise the Lord for this wonderful time of the year.  The Lord blessed with a soul full weekend.  The service of remembrance and thanksgiving for Dave Ring, a faithful servant of Jesus, was a blessing.  So many people attended.  Many testified how Dave had touched their lives, how he had shared the love of Christ with them. There was a big dinner reception following the service, where there was sweet fellowship.  In the evening on Saturday the St. Petersburg Men's ensemble presented an anointed concert of Russian Classical and Sacred music.  It is always treat for us have them with us.  They also shared at the first worship service yesterday.  It was a Christmas blessing and treat.  The Lord blessed us in His house yesterday.  I preached at Union Center.  Alice preached at Wesley. During the lighting of the second Advent candle the family shared about the peace that we have in Christ. 


    Praise the Lord; Peace that came down to the world on the  first Christmas.  "Peace on earth and good will to all men".  The Divine peace promised by God cannot be acquired through any of the countless consumer items of our materialistic society.  Peace is the certain knowledge that everything we have been told about God is true and certain.  I have peace in times of crisis because I know "the Lord will make a way somehow."  I have peace in the time of death because I know "when the earthly house we live in shall be destroyed, we have another building, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

    Yesterday, December 7, was Pearl Harbor Day.  Peace is our deeply held conviction that wars will stop not when one army defeats another but rather when all armies "beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and study war no more."  In other words, peace comes as I rely less and less on the things of this world and rely more and more on the promises of God.  That is why Isaiah 26:3(NKJV) could declare, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you."

    Peace is not limited or reserved for those times in life when everything is in perfect order.  Peace is not the absence of tension or hardship; peace is the presence of tranquility within you in the midst of whatever storms may be raging around you.  Peace is not a guarantor that every day will be easy and smooth. Instead, peace is the fruit of the spirit that blossoms in our souls and reminds us that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we can fear no evil because God is with us.

    Living with a spirit of peace in the midst of the storms of life is what Herman Melville was describing in the character of the harpooner in his novel Moby Dick. Melville portrayrd all of the characters on the whaling vessel busy at work as they seek out the great whale that has become the obsession of Captain Ahab. Everybody on board is furiously at work except one, the harpooner.  The harpooner is sitting still and undisturbed.  The harpooner is not caught up in the frenzy that involves a ship sailing through a storm to catch up to and then kill a giant whale.  Instead, wrote Melville, "The harpooner sits in tranquility and rises with a sense of calm to do his work."  The storm and the fury are going on all around him, but the harpooner is able to maintain a sense of tranquility and calm that allows him to do his job.

    That is what peace looks like: tranquility and calm in the midst of the storms of life that allow you to get on with your life and do what needs to be done.  That kind of peace does not come from anything this world can provide.  That kind of peace comes only from God and, more precisely, from our relationship with Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. 

 In Jesus the Prince of Peace.



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