Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 4-2-14

   Praise the Lord for this First Wednesday of April.  The Lord blessed us with a beautiful day yesterday.  It was warm and sunny.  You could feel and experience the brilliance of sweet spring everywhere.  Alice and I walked for over three miles yesterday late afternoon around the church grounds.  We saw Crocuses bursting  colorfully in the fields, and we also saw several morning doves offering to the Lord their evening songs of praise.  In just two days our mission team will be departing for India.  Thank you for praying.  We will gather for our Wednesday fellowship and study this evening at 6 PM followed by choir practice at 7:30 PM.
    In recent days we have been watching the search and rescue teams involved locating the missing Malaysian Flight.  Search and rescue teams are also involved rescuing people after the massive mudslide in the State of Washington, here in the  USA.  As we journey with Jesus to Jerusalem we come to discover how, at the Cross, God initiated the ultimate search and rescue mission, moving into the war zone of sin and evil.  God was in Christ reconciling the world back to himself, risking and losing his life so that we might live.  The motto of the cross of Christ is  "So that others may live."

     As we reflect on the Passion narratives in the Scriptures, and also on the passages dealing with new life and resurrection, we are  reminded that the Good News of Jesus is a huge plan to redeem and restore God's fallen creation (Colossians 1:20).  It's a plan for cosmic reconciliation.  A crucifixion, in and of itself, was not a victory; it was a shameful, painful, agonizing, excruciating defeat.    The Lord of the universe, the King of all creation and the King of Glory, transformed the sorrow and shame of the Cross into salvation and victory.  At the Cross:

    We were offered acceptance.
    We were offered forgiveness.
    We were offered victory over evil. 

    We see the evil and sin all around us.  The Bible declares that raw evil is not just "out there" in the demonic and really bad people.  The Biblical narrative and the Story make it clear that the evil is in us—it runs right through our hearts, even as followers of Jesus.  Peter, one of Jesus' favorite followers, stumbled and cracked. Thomas grumbled and doubted.  James and John argued over who was to get the best seat in the house.  These seemingly small acts are all part of a downward spiral into evil, which does its very worst to deface God's good creation, destroy human beings, and kill the Son of God, Jesus.  In the words of Bible scholar N. T. Wright, "The Gospels tell this whole story in order to say that the tortured young Jewish prophet hanging on the cross was the point where evil had become truly and fully and totally itself."

    The natural conclusion to draw is that evil wins the day.  With all its violence, cruelty, and hatred, sin rules the world, but in the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus our Lord we discover that the here and a summer day somewhere else and right in the midst of our imperfect lives, with our fears and pettiness and sins, our Lord offers us the chance to share in the victory of Jesus.  Sharing in Jesus' victory means that we can be reconciled to God and as a result nothing will ultimately defeat God's plan to reconcile the world through the blood of the Cross of Jesus.

     As Tolkien claimed in his great book, "Lord of the Rings", "One day all of our sad stories will become untrue."  In and through Christ and His victory on the cross, we can expect that one day every tear will be wiped away, every sorrow will be healed, every addiction conquered, every broken relationship reconciled, and every sad song will become a shout of joy.

  Thanks be to Jesus our Lord.


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