Monday, February 10, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 2-10-14

The Lord blessed us with a " WOW" weekend.  The banquet that was held Saturday was brilliant.  The food was superb.  Our young chef Dan and his entire family prepared the menu, cooked the food, and served with so much love.  It was a treat.  The fellowship was sweet.  The banquet room was full and every chair was taken. There was ample food and more.  The testimony and music time was inspiring and touching.  Wherever Christ is there is celebration. There is joy indeed.  

    The Lord blessed us yesterday during morning worship.  Being Boy Scout Sunday yesterday Chris, one of the leaders and a professor at Davis College, preached.  We were all challenged and blessed. 

    C.S. Lewis faced the death of his beloved mom at the age of nine.  He struggled with his faith in the loving Lord and almighty God.  Years later, when as an Oxford professor he began to rationally think through the possibility of Christian belief, Lewis finally understood what was going on in his mother’s painful illness.  He came to see that this world is a battlefield between the kingdom of God and the powers of evil, and that Christianity was true precisely because it took this conflict seriously.

     Lewis’ mother died not because God didn’t grant a child’s wish, but because the evil one had twisted God’s good world in such a way that even the very cells of her body no longer worked as they should.  Though healing did not come in that instant of boyish spiritual lisping, the prayers did not go unheard, and his mother was not lost forever or forgotten.

     Our Lord Jesus told several parables which are recorded in Mathew 13.  Jesus’ stories in this chapter remind us that we are on the winning side in the battles of life.  When Jesus told the Parables of the Seed and the Yeast (Matthew 13:31-35), He presented a picture of the kingdom of heaven that grows and dominates until it is the primary factor shaping the world.  The tiny mustard seed morphs into a tree that provides a home for the birds, and the bit of yeast transforms the entire loaf until it is utterly and completely changed.  It is important to note that these things happen rather automatically, with the change taking place from within the seed, and from within the grain of yeast.

    In other words, the kingdom of heaven has the winning power within itself, and invites us along on the journey.  We do not create the kingdom, but the kingdom creates us.  Even though it appears to be insignificant at the start, the essence of greatness and the confidence of success lies within.  Scripture is filled with testimonies to this.  One in particular from the Old Testament is the scene in Jeremiah 32 where the prophet buys a field.  Normally this would seem like an ordinary transaction, but Jeremiah and the salesperson were both holed up inside the walls of Jerusalem, while battering rams of Babylon’s armies were pounding the gates and walls to rubble.  What is more, in the prolonged siege of Jerusalem, the invading armies killed and burned every living thing for miles, and made waste of whatever farmland there might have been in the region.  Added to that is the sure promise of God, spoken through Jeremiah himself, that this time Babylon would be successful and the city, along with the Temple, would be destroyed.

    If there was ever a bad time to invest in real estate, this was it.  The land itself was worthless, the currency inflated, the threat of destruction obvious and the future about as grim as any could be.  Yet Jeremiah bought the field because he knew the power of the seed of the kingdom of God.  He knew that God would have his way, even beyond the threat of Babylon.  He knew that in spite of the waywardness of the people, God’s kingdom would rise again and thrust itself to the heavens until even the Babylonian vulture would nest in its branches.

    When we read the account as Jesus told us about the kingdom of heaven, we recover our sense of values and outcomes.  We see past the current hopeless, all-encompassing mess of daily events.  We carry the passport of heaven.  We live as those who are under orders to be, to do, and to make a difference.  Best of all, we know Who writes the last chapter.

In Christ,


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