Monday, October 28, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 11-28-13

 Praise the Lord for this last Monday of October.  It was great blessing and thrill to be in His house with His people, joining  those who love Jesus and who serve and worship Him around the corner and around the globe.  One of the readings for yesterday was taken from Joel 2.  “And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved” (Joel 2:32).  This text is so crucial that it appears in the Bible three times, once in Joel 2:28, once in Acts 2:21, and once in Romans 10:13.
    God always intended to make a universal offer of salvation through the death and resurrection of his Son.  Call Upon the Name of The Lord. . . and You Shall Be Saved.  There is no other way.

    C.S. Lewis in the "The Silver Chair" depicts this very clearly.  The Lion, in Lewis' writing, always represents Jesus.  In the story a girl named Jill bursts into an opening in the forest.  She is very thirsty, and she sees a running stream close by. Even though she's dying of thirst, she doesn't rush into the stream and put her face in its refreshing current.  Instead, she stands there in fear, because there is a large lion sitting on the ground just this side of the stream.  It speaks to her, "Are you not thirsty?" said the Lion. 
    "I'm Dying of thirst" said Jill. 
    "Then drink" said the lion.

    " May I - Could  I- would you mind going away while I do?" said Jill.

    The Lion answered this only by a look and a very low growl.  And as Jill gazed at its motionless bulk, she realized that she might as well have asked the whole mountain to move aside for her convenience.  The delicious rippling noise of the stream was driving her nearly frantic.

    " Will you promise not to-do anything to me, if I do come?" said Jill. 
    "I make no promise," said the Lion. 
    Jill was so thirsty now, that she had come a step closer without noticing it. 
"Do you eat girls?" she said.

    "I have swallowed up girls and boys, women and men, kings and emperors, cities and realms," said the Lion.  It didn't say this as if it were boasting, not as if it were sorry, nor as if it were hungry.  It just said it.

    " I dare not come and drink," said Jill. 
    "Then you will die of thirst," said the Lion. 
    "Oh dear!" said Jill, coming another step nearer. "I suppose I must go and look for another stream then."

    "There is no other stream," said the Lion.

    Repent - Call Upon the Name of The Lord - He Shall Baptize you in His Spirit - and You Shall Be Saved.  There is no other stream.  There is no other way.




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