Friday, October 11, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 10-11-13

    Praise the Lord for this Friday ... Sunday is coming.  Without Christ the world is in constant chaos and confusion.  Without Christ the leaders of the world are confused and self-seeking.  Without Christ  the world is in constant turmoil.   Without Christ every culture is in disarray and on a downward spiral. 

    As Morrie Schwartz was dying of Lou Gehrig's disease, he shared his reflections on life with a young friend, Mitch Albom.  They were published in the best selling book, 'Tuesdays With Morrie".  One day he said, "If the culture doesn't work, don't buy into it."  Later he reflected, "People are only mean when they are threatened and that's what our culture does.  That's what our economy does. ... When you are threatened, you start looking out for yourself.  You start making money your God. ... Which is why I don't buy into it." (From "Tuesdays with Morrie", Doubleday, 1997, pg. 154)  In fact, lots of people who take an honest look at the way in which they and everyone around them are living eventually realize that , "This really isn't working.  We really need a better way."

    We do, in fact, have a better way.  We have the Good News.  There is a better and an excellent way in and through Jesus.  As we read in Luke, our Lord went to the synagogue in Capernaum as it was His custom.  Wesley would have called it a "holy habit".  Jesus stood in the synagogue, where He taught with Authority and authencity.  His presence  brings power.  The people who heard him were challenged to their core.  Those who believed in Him were changed and transformed.  Their eyes were opened.  They received life abundant and eternal.
    Jesus taught a new way of life that is appropriate to the new possibility that God offers us.  Jesus had been preaching, "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news." (Mark 1:15)  The kingdom of God is both a new understanding of reality and a new possibility.  It is a new understanding of reality based upon the belief that God is really the most real and the most important of all realities.  It is a new possibility that is open to all who will allow their lives to be shaped by that belief.   Jesus is the realness of real.  He is the real Thing.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He brings and offers that life to all who come Him by faith receive by His grace.  He is alive and well. 

    The present culture, though bought into my so many, does not work.  Every culture without Christ is a chaos.  Every Culture without Christ collapses and decays.  Jesus transforms every culture.  He reigns.  He is our Eternal Contemporary.  We do not have to buy what He has accomplished at the cross.  It is given, free for the asking.  Once we have received the Gift He offers we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live out our lives of purpose and victory.  No matter how bleak and despondent the culture might seem, our Lord sheds Grace, His light, and His love upon us.  What a way to live and a what way to serve.  Let us come to Jesus and live.

   In Christ,



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