As the day the Lord
gave us is dying in the west, I was remoinded of one of the beautiful hymns of
the Church, "Day Is Dying in the West". Though the night approaches here in the
Western Hemisphere it is alreay a new day in the Eastern Hemisphere. Our family
and friends, brothers and sisters in Christ who live in that region, have
already begun a new day in the Lord .
Alice and I walked
on one of the local trails this evening. It was cool and exhilarating. We saw
and heard a flock of Canadian Geese returning to the natural habitat in the
North. They were flying, making a V formation and praising the Lord with their
Holy Honk. We saw and heard a flock of blackbirds praising the Lord with an
evening song. We also saw Big Hawk sitting on the top of a tree, dauntless and
unafraid. We saw some cardinals and woodchucks. Though the winter is lingering
here, the Spring has already arrived in parts of the Eastern Hemisphere and it
is the late summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
Praise the Lord our
God, the maker of heaven and earth. When we pause and ponder about the beauty
and blessings of this day we can say, "It's a wonderful world"' created by our
Lord, who is wonderful and beautiful beyond description. Our Lord is in control
so let us not freak out.
May we all rest in
His presence. May He grant us refreshing sleep. May He speak to us through
dreams and visions. "May all His little lambs be safe tonight in His eternal
1. Day is dying in the west;
Heav'n is touching earth with rest;
Wait and worship while the night
Sets the evening lamps alight
Through all the sky.
2. Lord of life, beneath the dome
Of the universe, Thy home,
Gather us who seek Thy face
To the fold of Thy embrace,
For Thou art nigh.
3. While the deepening shadows fall,
Heart of love enfolding all,
Through the glory and the grace
Of the stars that veil Thy face,
Our hearts ascend.
4. When forever from our sight
Pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of angels, on our eyes
Let eternal morning rise
And shadows end.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts!
Heav'n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav'n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord most high!
Heav'n is touching earth with rest;
Wait and worship while the night
Sets the evening lamps alight
Through all the sky.
2. Lord of life, beneath the dome
Of the universe, Thy home,
Gather us who seek Thy face
To the fold of Thy embrace,
For Thou art nigh.
3. While the deepening shadows fall,
Heart of love enfolding all,
Through the glory and the grace
Of the stars that veil Thy face,
Our hearts ascend.
4. When forever from our sight
Pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of angels, on our eyes
Let eternal morning rise
And shadows end.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts!
Heav'n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav'n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord most high!
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