"The Peaceable
Kingdom" is the title early Nineteenth Century painter, Edward Hicks, gave to
this benign menagerie of animals - wild and domesticated. He based his work on
this Isaiah 11, the passage that speaks of such animals as the wolf, lamb,
leopard, lion, kid and calf - all sharing the same pasture, grazing and resting
together. Hicks’ vision, like that of Isaiah, is of a world of peace, love, and
In chapter 11:1 Isaiah called the lineage of the Davidic dynasty the “stump of Jesse”. This is the only time in the Old Testament that David’s line is called by His father’s name. In verse 6 note that the word “Branch” is capitalized because it is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ, “the Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 The message that Isaiah portrayed to the people of Israel is a message of hope, that what God has cut off is also that which God restores. That the One who judges His people for their sins, is also the One who forgives them and restores Peace. Isaiah’s message to Israel was their need to know this coming Prince of Peace.
During this season of Advent we may feel like the people of Israel. It may be that something in our lives has been suddenly “cut off”. Our, dreams, our hopes, our aspirations seem to have disappeared. All that remains is the stump of unrealized expectations. The Good News of this Advent season is that our Mighty God wants us to know that he is the Restorer of dreams, He is the Restorer of hope, and He is the Restorer of aspirations.
The Prophecy found in Isaiah 11 reveals that the source of lasting peace is none other than the Branch of the Lord. Furthermore the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit are embodied in the Person Jesus Christ our Lord, as revealed in Isaiah 11:2
In chapter 11:1 Isaiah called the lineage of the Davidic dynasty the “stump of Jesse”. This is the only time in the Old Testament that David’s line is called by His father’s name. In verse 6 note that the word “Branch” is capitalized because it is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ, “the Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 The message that Isaiah portrayed to the people of Israel is a message of hope, that what God has cut off is also that which God restores. That the One who judges His people for their sins, is also the One who forgives them and restores Peace. Isaiah’s message to Israel was their need to know this coming Prince of Peace.
During this season of Advent we may feel like the people of Israel. It may be that something in our lives has been suddenly “cut off”. Our, dreams, our hopes, our aspirations seem to have disappeared. All that remains is the stump of unrealized expectations. The Good News of this Advent season is that our Mighty God wants us to know that he is the Restorer of dreams, He is the Restorer of hope, and He is the Restorer of aspirations.
The Prophecy found in Isaiah 11 reveals that the source of lasting peace is none other than the Branch of the Lord. Furthermore the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit are embodied in the Person Jesus Christ our Lord, as revealed in Isaiah 11:2
Our world longs for
peace. We live in a society where injustice, unfaithfulness, and unrighteousness
abound. We are invited to come to the manger, come to Christ. He is the Prince
of Peace. Have you been victimized by unrighteousness? Have injustice and
unfaithfulness cut a swath across your path? Then come to Christ. He will
vindicate you, he will make the wrong right, and He will be faithful to you even
when others are not.
Christ lifts the burden from our shoulders. He takes the burden of unforgiveness, the burden of despair, the burden of anxiety, and the burden of guilt from us. Let us come to the Branch of Jesse. Let the peace that is found only in the Prince of Peace pervade our lives, our homes, our churches, and the world in which we live.
Christ lifts the burden from our shoulders. He takes the burden of unforgiveness, the burden of despair, the burden of anxiety, and the burden of guilt from us. Let us come to the Branch of Jesse. Let the peace that is found only in the Prince of Peace pervade our lives, our homes, our churches, and the world in which we live.
Living Nativity
Presented by the Union Center United Methodist Church
Location: The
Oakdale Mall, Johnson City, NY.
Date: Saturday,
December 22, 2012
Time: 4-5 PM
Handel's Messiah
Presented by the Down Town Singers of Binghamton
Date: Friday
December 21, 2012
Time: 8
Helen Foley Theater in Binghamton High School (corner of Main & Oak
Christmas Eve
Candleleight services
4:30 PM at First
UMC, 53 McKinley Avenue, Endicott
Pianist: Aric
Organist: Yancey
Soloist: Emma
Pastor Brown will be
7.30 PM Candle Light
Communion Service
Union Center UMC,
128 Maple
Organist: Betty
Pianist: Laureen
Preacher Rev. Brown
All are
Phone for
information: 607-748-6329 or 607-748-1358
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