Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 12-18-12

We were all stunned and overwhelmed the tragedy that occurred the Friday before the Third Sunday in Advent. As a nation we have wrestled with unbelief, anger and confusion. How could it happen in America? I was sharing with our daughter Sunita, who reminded me that there is no simplistic answer to this tragedy. We need to come to Jesus and pray and mourn. He comforts those who mourn. He heals the brokenhearted. Last Sunday morning during the morning prayer time at Wesley Linda reminded me that there so many millions who love Jesus Christ in these United States. There are so many who love their children and grandchildren. There are so many children who love their parents with great devotion and affection. There are so many who love Jesus who live with great selflessness and service to the Lord. There are so many millions who give to the work of the kingdom with so much generosity and sacrifice. The Pew research has announced that there are over 2.2 billion Christians around the world. There are so many who minister to the children with great joy and love. In the midst of senseless tragedy and violence we see that the work of the Gospel continues around the corner and around the world.
In Christ,
Living Nativity Presented by the Union Center United Methodist Church
Location: The Oakdale Mall, Johnson City, NY.
Date: Saturday, December 22, 2012
Time: 4-5 PM
Handel's Messiah Presented by the Down Town Singers of Binghamton
Date: Friday December 21, 2012
Time: 8 PM
Location: Helen Foley Theater in Binghamton High School (corner of Main & Oak Streets).
Christmas Eve Candlelight services
4:30 PM at First UMC, 53 McKinley Avenue, Endicott
Pianist: Aric Phinney,
Organist: Yancey Moore
Soloist: Emma Brunson
Pastor Brown will be Preaching
7.30 PM Candle Light Communion Service
Union Center UMC, 128 Maple Drive
Organist: Betty Phinney
Pianist: Laureen Naik
Preacher Rev. Brown Naik
All are welcome.
Phone for information: 607-748-6329 or 607-748-1358

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