Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 11-6-12

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in Him. Today America the beautiful goes to the polls for the General Election. Those of us live in the USA, let's plan to vote.

The son of the Hammas Leader in West Bank, became a Christian. He lives in the USA now, witnessing to Moslems about the life-changing grace and power of Jesus Christ. In one of his video presentations he shares eloquently and lucidly stating that "Jesus came down not to take sides with various political factions and parties; rather Jesus came to take over." It is written in Revelation 11:15, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” We will cast out our ballots today knowing that Jesus is King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is upon the His Throne.

Our God and the Lord whom we worship and serve, is omnipotent. In
Genesis 17:1 God spoke to 99 year old Abraham who was promised a child by God. By this time his body was “as good as dead” (Romans 4:19-22). In the face of all his very understandable doubts God reassures him by calling himself El Shaddai, which means Almighty God. It was God’s way of saying, “Don’t look in the mirror, Abraham. Look at me. If I say you’re going to have a son, it’s going to happen. Age means nothing to me. I am Almighty God.”
God's Omnipotence teaches us that no power in all the universe can stop God or impede his plans. Not evil men. Not natural catastrophe. Not reversal of fortune. Not fate or luck or chance. Not human error. Not even Satan can hinder God’s plan in the least. In the words of Martin Luther, the devil is “God’s devil” because he serves God’s purposes.
This is a most comforting thought because we live in a world where all our best work remains necessarily unfinished. Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Hemingway, Wright, Edison, da Vinci—they all left behind unfinished paintings, unfinished manuscripts, plans for buildings that were never built. That’s the way it is in this world. In fact, of all the people who have ever lived on planet earth, only Jesus our Lord,could truthfully cry out at the end of his life, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Furthermore, even when we finish something it’s never really finished, as evidenced by the fact that houses must be repainted and the beds made every morning.
Yet, when God starts to do something, he stays on the job until it is completed. There is never a divine power failure, never a blackout, a brownout, or a meltdown. Our eternal security rests on the truth of God’s omnipotence. We are kept by his power, not by ours (1 Peter 1:5). He is the God who is able to keep us from falling (Jude 24). When God begins a “good work” in a person’s life, he won’t stop halfway through. He continues it until it is finished (Philippians 1:6). This is a source of great encouragement to every struggling saint. No matter how great the need, God’s resources are never depleted.
We continue to see video images of the aftermath of " Hurricane " Sandy". We see the pictures of gas shortages and long lines of traffic due to the great gas shortage. That never happens with God. Because he is omnipotent, his power knows no limits. He is never worn out, exhausted, or “running on fumes” so we can safely cast all our cares on him. He not only cares for you, he’s got unlimited power to carry our burdens and to solve our problems.
In Christ,
A Special Thanksgiving Worship;
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Location: First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Ave., Endicott
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Speaker: Dr. Dino Pedrone,
President, Davis College, Binghamton,
Special Music : Worship Band of Davis College,
Organist : Yancey Moore
Pianist: Aric Phinney
All are welcome. For Information call: 607-748-6329
or 607-748-1358

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