This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in Him. Our
oldest granddaughter, Micah, will celebrate her 7th birthday tomorrow in Boston.
I talked to her other day and she reminded me as to when her birthday was. I
asked her what she wanted for her birthday. She said "let me think", a very
"Micah" response. In 5 seconds she said I want a dress from India, and few
seconds she said also I want a saree from India. One of my sisters is back in
India visiting my mom. She will be bringing Micah a dress and a little girls'
saree from India. Micah reminds others gleefully, "I am quarter Indian".
and Tom, who live in the Philadelphia area, finally got the power back last
night. Their power had been out since Monday evening, when the transformer blew.
Sunita and Andy, who live in Washington DC, are involved in "David's Tent",
which is located across from the White House. "David's Tent" is praise and
Prayer and worship going on for 40 days and 40 nights, seeking the Lord's will
in the upcoming election. Various worship bands from around the nation are
involved in the great ministry of worship and praise. They are meeting there
taking turns 24/7. This will conclude on Monday November 5,2012 on the eve of
the General Election.
Our friends and family from around the globe are calling us inquiring about the
devastation our region suffered after the visit of "Hurricane Sandy". The images
of destruction and devastation wrought by Sandy are seen live around the world.
One of my friends from Kansas wrote to me yesterday to say that after Katrina
all the casinos along the banks of the mighty Mississippi were devastated. After
Hurricane Sandy all the casinos in Atlantic city have been paralyzed. It may be
the Lord of the all the nations and the King of righteousness sending us wake up
Some of the readings for Sundays in October were taken from the Book Of Job. Job
was the richest - most highly esteemed man around - that is, until adversity
struck! His entire life’s work was gone in a flash - his income - his job - his
children - his retirement were all wiped out in rapid succession - even his wife
turned against him! His prestige was stripped from him and, instead of being
honored by those he had never met, as had always been the case, he was mocked by
strangers! Instead of being envied or feared, he became the object of
Job believed, however, that he could endure all of his afflictions, if only Almighty God would give him an audience - if only he could defend himself before the Almighty! Yet, when the audience was finally granted, it did not turn out as Job had hoped that it would! Instead of impressing Almighty God with the justice of his cause, Job was left dumbfounded by the immense Power and Sovereign authority of the Creator and God of the Universe! Job felt ignorant for even imagining that he could somehow straighten out Almighty God and show Him a thing or two! Nevertheless, something good came out of all that tragedy and senselessness.
One sweet fruit of Job’s heinous suffering was the flower of deeper humility that blossomed more brightly in Job’s life! His testimony was that the experience left him a changed man - instead of being the one with all the answers, Job had nothing to say! Adversity has a way of reminding us that we are not the center of the Universe! Pain has the power to point out our broken vulnerability, our often overlooked mortality, and our immense dependency! It forces us to depend upon others - and, to turn to Almighty God! When suffering has thrown us flat on our backs and we have nowhere to look but up it is only then that we truly see Almighty God! Pain points out our insufficiency, our inability to cope with our circumstances ourselves, and it often brutally reminds us of our insecurity!
The late great Anglican clergyman, hymnist and former slave-ship Captain, Rev. John Newton (1725 - 1809), once wrote, "I compare the troubles we have to undergo in the course of the year to a great bundle of fagots [or, sticks], far too large for us to lift. But God does not require us to carry the whole [bundle] at once. He mercifully unties the bundle, and gives us first one stick, which we are to carry today, and then another, which we are to carry tomorrow, and so on. This we might easily manage, if we would only take the burden appointed for us each day; but we choose to increase our troubles by carrying yesterday’s stick over again today, and adding tomorrow’s burden to our load, before we are required to bear it!"
Humility has way of drawing us closer to te Lord of grace and mercy. When difficulties knock us down, our loving Saviour will reach down and pick us back up! When troubles draw near, Jesus draws nearer!
Job believed, however, that he could endure all of his afflictions, if only Almighty God would give him an audience - if only he could defend himself before the Almighty! Yet, when the audience was finally granted, it did not turn out as Job had hoped that it would! Instead of impressing Almighty God with the justice of his cause, Job was left dumbfounded by the immense Power and Sovereign authority of the Creator and God of the Universe! Job felt ignorant for even imagining that he could somehow straighten out Almighty God and show Him a thing or two! Nevertheless, something good came out of all that tragedy and senselessness.
One sweet fruit of Job’s heinous suffering was the flower of deeper humility that blossomed more brightly in Job’s life! His testimony was that the experience left him a changed man - instead of being the one with all the answers, Job had nothing to say! Adversity has a way of reminding us that we are not the center of the Universe! Pain has the power to point out our broken vulnerability, our often overlooked mortality, and our immense dependency! It forces us to depend upon others - and, to turn to Almighty God! When suffering has thrown us flat on our backs and we have nowhere to look but up it is only then that we truly see Almighty God! Pain points out our insufficiency, our inability to cope with our circumstances ourselves, and it often brutally reminds us of our insecurity!
The late great Anglican clergyman, hymnist and former slave-ship Captain, Rev. John Newton (1725 - 1809), once wrote, "I compare the troubles we have to undergo in the course of the year to a great bundle of fagots [or, sticks], far too large for us to lift. But God does not require us to carry the whole [bundle] at once. He mercifully unties the bundle, and gives us first one stick, which we are to carry today, and then another, which we are to carry tomorrow, and so on. This we might easily manage, if we would only take the burden appointed for us each day; but we choose to increase our troubles by carrying yesterday’s stick over again today, and adding tomorrow’s burden to our load, before we are required to bear it!"
Humility has way of drawing us closer to te Lord of grace and mercy. When difficulties knock us down, our loving Saviour will reach down and pick us back up! When troubles draw near, Jesus draws nearer!
A Special
Thanksgiving Worship;
Saturday, November
17, 2012
Location: First
United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Ave., Endicott
Sponsored by: Union
Center United Methodist Church
Speaker: Dr. Dino
President, Davis
College, Binghamton,
Special Music :
Worship Band of Davis College,
Organist : Yancey
Pianist: Aric
All are welcome. For
Information call: 607-748-6329
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