Thursday, October 25, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 10-25-12

Thanks be to Jesus our Lord for this new day. We are just two months to the day to Christmas. He blessed us with a wonderful Wednesday Evening gathering for fellowship, sharing, and study. Every time we come together in the name of our Lord, seeking His Face, He is there to bless us to fill our lives with His power and presence.

As a nation we are gearing up for the general Elections. Let us all be praying and getting ready to vote on Nov 6, 2012. Encourage our neighbors and friends to vote. Let us turn our hearts towards the Living Lord, the One who is the King of all nations and Lord of all.

Nothing is more important for the Christian than becoming fully persuaded that our Lord indeed leads us in this life's journey from here to the Eternal City. What a difference it makes to know with great conviction that behind our lives stands the unseen hand of God working in, through, and sometimes in spite of our decisions to accomplish His will in our lives and in the world. I love the famous lines by James Russell Lowell. They describe life in a fallen world where values have been turned upside down:
Truth forever on the scaffold,
Wrong forever on the throne,
Yet that scaffold sways the future,
And behind the dim unknown
Standeth God with the shadows,Keeping watch above his own.
The last line contains the heart of the Christian philosophy of history. God stands “within the shadows, keeping watch above his own.” When the world seems most out of control, God steps in to let us know that he keeps watch over us. Often it is only as we look back that we see the hand of God working through the affairs of life. Circumstances are the fingerprints of God.
I love to gaze at the sunrise. Sometimes we get anxious at sunrise when all we can see is the tiny rim of the sun. If we wait long enough we see the sun in all its brilliance. The same is true of God’s plan for our lives. We never see everything in advance, but if we wait long enough, our Lord always reveals His will.
So, let us relax about the direction of our lives. Our Lord is upon His Throne. He is in charge. When the time is right the darkness will vanish, and all that is vague will be made perfectly clear. For the believer in Christ this life has a "JOYFUL END".
In Christ,

A Special Thanksgiving Worship;
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Location: First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Ave., Endicott
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Speaker: Dr. Dino Pedrone,
President, Davis College, Binghamton,
Special Music : Worship Band of Davis College,
Organist : Yancey Moore
Pianist: Aric Phinney
All are welcome. For Information call: 607-748-6329
or 607-748-1358

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