Monday, October 15, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 10-15-12

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation. Indeed, He is the Author of our redemption. He is indeed the Fountain of our restoration. He blessed us with an incredible of weekend of the prayer conference. He blessed us beyond belief. It was a treat to have Sunita and Andy home, along with Rob, from Washington, DC, Kelly from Memphis, TN, and many from the Binghamton House of Prayer. It was great time for worship, praise, and prayer. So many came for prayer. It was great honor and privilege for praying for others. The Lord has challenged me to lead a life of greater praise and prayer in my personal pilgrimage. The whole weekend was refreshing and cleansing. It was invigorating. I am excited about Jesus our Lord and about serving Him with joy. Our Lord answers prayers. He offers us grace upon grace. He offers forgiveness full and free. Praise the Lord for all those who came to be prayed for.

Some of the highlights of the conference:

A Moslem man came with his family. He went forward to the altar and gave his life to Jesus Christ. One evening several children and youth came to the altar. They were anointed with oil and prayed for. One man came in a wheelchair, waiting at 4:30 PM to come in. The service started at 6 PM. He was brought in. He went forward to be prayed for. So many with so many needs and all types of bondage came to be prayed for. We are praying the Lord would continue to have His way in all of our lives.

I am sure most of you will remember the sniper incident that terrorized the Washington area a few years ago. Before they were apprehended the snipers had killed 10 and wounded 3. What you may not know is, prayer played a vital role in bringing that ordeal to an end. 50 Christian truckers got together to pray that somehow the sniper terrorizing the Washington area would be caught. Ron Lantz was scheduled to retire in a few days and did not even live in the area, but he felt sure that God would answer their prayers. In fact, he told the others attending the prayer meeting that God was going to use him to catch the sniper.
A few days after they began to pray Ron was listening to the radio as he was driving through the region and felt compelled to pull off the highway to a rest stop. It was just a couple of miles from where the initial prayer meeting had taken place. As he pulled in, he was shocked to see a car similar to what was being described on the radio. Carefully trying to read the license plate, a chill went up his back as the numbers matched. He quickly called 911 and remained there for what he said were the longest 15 minutes of his life, until the police arrived. He even pulled his truck across the exit, there would now be no escape for these elusive murderers. The rest is now history - the snipers were taken into custody without incident and the horrifying ordeal was over.
According to Jeremiah 33:3, we serve a God who gives incredible answers to prayer. Jeremiah 33:3 - "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." When people pray, God answers.
Phil Callaway did not know what to say when his young children asked if their Mommy was going to die. His wife, Ramona, suffered from horrible seizures.
Hundreds of friends and relatives prayed, but Ramona’s weight eventually slipped to 90 pounds. Medical specialists tried everything, but by the autumn of 1996, the seizures were occurring daily, sometimes hourly. Phil rarely left Ramona’s side. He wondered if she would even make it to her 30th birthday. One evening, when things looked utterly hopeless, Phil paced their dark back yard, then fell to his knees. "God!" he cried out. "I can’t take it anymore. Please do something!"
Instantly, a doctor’s name came to mind. Phil called the doctor, who saw Ramona the next morning and diagnosed a rare chemical deficiency. Within a week, Ramona’s seizures ended. Her eyes sparkled again. The miracle was so incredible, Phil says, "God gave me back my wife."
Jody Jamison was a new Christian, but she believed this. She was 500 miles away from home before the days of pop-a-lock, her car door was locked and she could not find the key. She had dumped the contents of her purse out three times in search of the missing key. She scoured the motel room where she had been staying for the past week, but still no key. In recalling the event she said, "It just hit me, if Jesus could save me, surely He could help me find my keys." Jody prayed, "Jesus, you know where my keys are, so please help me find them." Immediately she was prompted to look inside her purse again. Once again she dumped its contents on the bed and browsed through the disorganized mess. This time she noticed something shiny protruding out of a wadded up piece of tissue. Upon investigation, you guessed it, she found her key.
God’s provisions are greater than any problem we may have. Paul echoed this in his letter to the Ephesians when he wrote, "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think; to Him be the glory." (Ephesians 3:20, 21).
During his 60 years of ministry, George Mueller never solicited funds from anyone. Instead he committed himself to pray and ask God for what he needed to keep the orphanage running. During his 60 years of ministry George Mueller kept a record of his prayers, & his prayer records filled more than 3,000 pages. His notes show that more than 30,000 prayers were answered. One night there was no food in the orphanage to give to the children for breakfast. At 3:00 in the morning a baker called him up and said, "I just can't sleep. I'm going down to the bakery to bake some bread. Would it be all right for me to bring some over to you this morning?"
On another occasion a milk truck just happened to break down in front of the orphanage on a day when they had no milk. The truck driver came in & said, "All this milk is going to spoil. Would you like some of it?" And their need was met.
Time & time again, 30,000 times in 60 years, God answered George Mueller's prayers.
In Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Epic Poem IDYLLS OF THE KING, “Idyll 12: The Passing of Arthur,” King Arthur was dying. He spoke these inspiring words to his friend Sir Bedivere:
"I have lived my life, and that which I have done
May He within Himself make pure! But thou,
If thou shouldst never see my face again,
Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer
Than this world dreams of. Wherefore, let thy voice
Rise like a fountain for me night and day.
For what are men better than sheep or goats
That nourish a blind life within the brain,
If knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer
Both for themselves and those who call them friend?
[SOURCE: Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Idylls of the King, Idyll 12: The
Passing of Arthur,” Canto 24, lines 6-15]

Indeed, “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”
In Christ,


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