Praise the Lord for
this new day. We just got (at 3:45 AM) a long and beautiful letter from Sunita.
I am including a brief excerpt here.
" It’s been about
3 weeks since we’ve written with an update and we are now delightedly situated
in an apartment on top of a hill overlooking a beautiful inlet in the
Mediterranean. We are almost through one week of vacation in Corfu, one of the
larger islands in Greece, having an early 5 year anniversary celebration, but
mostly just resting, playing and marveling in the beauty and serenity.
The two
weeks that passed in Albania since we last wrote were a wonderful jumble of
prayer, adventures, work, illness, and friendships developing. All in the midst
of travels around what is a stunningly rugged and beautiful country in spite of
the trash and pollution and which has such lovely, hospitable people. We really
do love it here and suspect it’s not our last visit here as a couple. We’ve
developed a circle of friendships and acquaintances here that we know would only
grow and deepen on future visits and have been so thankful for the ease with
which we’ve been able to laugh, communicate, share deeply from the heart and
pray with no cultural barriers."
It is going to
be one of the ten best days of June. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful
Wednesday Evening gathering for fellowship and study. It is a great thrill that
every time we gather in the Name of the Lord He blesses us with His very
presence. He has given us His Word that whenever and wherever we gather in His
Name He is there. He looked at the first miracle performed by the church of
Jesus Christ through the witness of Peter and John. A man paralyzed by birth was
healed and went home leaping, jumping, and praising the Lord. He was made to
walk in the Name of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for all the miracles the Lord
does surround us with every day. Praise the Lord for the miracle of new birth
and the new life in Jesus Christ.. Albert Einstein said, “There are only two
ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if
everything is.” I know many people who say they have never experienced a
miracle, but the truth is that we all experience miracles all day every day.
Alice and I walk in the late evenings. It is a great thrill to gaze at the stars in the evening sky. King David exclaimed in Psalm 8, " O lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth, who has set Thy glory above the heavens. When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained". It is mind boggling to know that our Lord the Maker of Heaven and earth keeps the planets in orbit in every second. We experience an astronomical miracle every single day, but we take it for granted.
Thomas Carlyle said imagine a man who had lived in a cave his entire life stepping outside for the first time to watch the sunrise. Carlyle said he would watch “with rapt astonishment the sight we daily witness with indifference.”
That’s so true. We take the daily miracles for granted.
G.K. Chesterton said, “Grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. Is it possible God says every morning, ‘Do it again’ to the sun; and every evening, ‘Do it again’ to the moon? The repetition in nature may not be a mere recurrence; it may be a theatrical encore.” Scripture hints at that in Psalm 29. The Message says, “Bravo, God, Bravo. All the angels shout encore!” It’s like the angels are so enthralled with what God does day in and day out that they ask Him to do it over and over again!
Somebody said that part of spiritual growth is learning to recognize and appreciate the miracles that surround us. I had done some serious medical tests recently. I was reminded that my heart will pump about 100,000 times today without skipping a beat. I will inhale and exhale about 23,000 times. And a hundred things are happening in my body right now that I pay no attention to. Most of us take sight for granted, but that is because we have no idea how it works. When was the last time we stopped to thank God that we can perceive diverse and very divergent colors? We praise the Lord for He has made this world with so many colors. Have you ever stopped to contemplate how incredible it is that we can read fine print and see stars that are billions of miles away?
Proverbs 20:12 says, “Ears that hear and eyes that see—the Lord has made them both.”
Alice and I walk in the late evenings. It is a great thrill to gaze at the stars in the evening sky. King David exclaimed in Psalm 8, " O lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth, who has set Thy glory above the heavens. When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained". It is mind boggling to know that our Lord the Maker of Heaven and earth keeps the planets in orbit in every second. We experience an astronomical miracle every single day, but we take it for granted.
Thomas Carlyle said imagine a man who had lived in a cave his entire life stepping outside for the first time to watch the sunrise. Carlyle said he would watch “with rapt astonishment the sight we daily witness with indifference.”
That’s so true. We take the daily miracles for granted.
G.K. Chesterton said, “Grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. Is it possible God says every morning, ‘Do it again’ to the sun; and every evening, ‘Do it again’ to the moon? The repetition in nature may not be a mere recurrence; it may be a theatrical encore.” Scripture hints at that in Psalm 29. The Message says, “Bravo, God, Bravo. All the angels shout encore!” It’s like the angels are so enthralled with what God does day in and day out that they ask Him to do it over and over again!
Somebody said that part of spiritual growth is learning to recognize and appreciate the miracles that surround us. I had done some serious medical tests recently. I was reminded that my heart will pump about 100,000 times today without skipping a beat. I will inhale and exhale about 23,000 times. And a hundred things are happening in my body right now that I pay no attention to. Most of us take sight for granted, but that is because we have no idea how it works. When was the last time we stopped to thank God that we can perceive diverse and very divergent colors? We praise the Lord for He has made this world with so many colors. Have you ever stopped to contemplate how incredible it is that we can read fine print and see stars that are billions of miles away?
Proverbs 20:12 says, “Ears that hear and eyes that see—the Lord has made them both.”
May we be filled with wonder and awe today as we
live to love the Lord and serve Him with joyful Hearts and jubilant
In Christ,
Men's Breakfast
Sunday , June
17,2012 at 7:00 AM
Union Center United
Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.
Speaker: Dr. Rodger Summers Ph
Vice President,
Binghamton University.
Summer Music Festival
Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Location: First United Methodist
McKinley Avenue, Endicott
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist
Musicians include: Aric Phinney, Yancey
Berry, Emma Brunson, Dianne Glann.
Television outreach:
7:00 PM
Warner Cable Channel
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