Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 5-8-12

Praise the Lord for Easter season that leads us to the Pentecost season. We will celebrate the Day of Pentecost on May 27, 2012. The day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spiri came upon the disciples in the form of mighty wind and fire, was the day when the Church of Jesus Christ was born. The Church has been under the same manage ment for over 2000 years. In the words of late Chuck Colson: When the church is the church, the people of God, moved by the Spirit of God, do the work of God, evil can not stand against them." Carl Henry called the church "the New Society of God's people, the new society of the twice born". The church is neither a civic center, social club, nor encounter group. It is no mere Sunday morning meeting place. It is a new society created for the salvation of the lost world, pointing to the kingdom to come.

Our Lord Jesus made an Audacious claim and promise when He said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell can not prevail against it. Our Lord has promised, giving the assurance that ultimately His new community of called out people will triumph over the forces of sin and evil.

When Christians in early centuries gathered together they became known as the "Communion sanctorum," meaning the communion of saints. They were indeed that, bound together as only men and women could be who were surrounded by an angry, hostile society, which was ready to feed them to the lions. By the grace and power of Jesus they became the visible church, that made visible the mystery of Christ's salvation , and that witness turned the world upside down.

It is written that Jesus loved the church. Indeed, He gave himself up for the church. John Calvin wrote, "So highly does the Lord esteem the communion of His church that He considers every one a traitor... who perversely withdraws himself from any Christian society."

Dr. Warren Wiersbe wrote, "he does not attend church to hear a sermon, or to have fellowship, though he enjoys both, but to bear witness that Jesus Christ is alive and worship Him."

Praise the Lord for Pentecost, the birthday of the church.

See you in Church.

Pastor Brown

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