Praise the Lord for this brand new day to live in Christ and to serve Him in this world, in this life. It is going to be one of the ten best days of March. I have been reading in Mark, Chapters 8, 9, and 10. "And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Mark 8:34 (KJV). In Mark 10:45 Jesus declared, "For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many".
It is difficult for most people to think like a servant, because we are taught and conditioned to be a director, the chair, the supervisor. We are told to figure out how to do it better…, then we get the bonus or the promotion.
It is difficult for most people to think like a servant, because we are taught and conditioned to be a director, the chair, the supervisor. We are told to figure out how to do it better…, then we get the bonus or the promotion.
Jesus was talking about His coming departure to Jerusalem and about His coming passion and death. While Jesus disclosed His heart to them about the death His on the cross, the disciples arrgued about who was "number one". Jesus asked them, "Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of sorrow I am about to drink?" "Oh yes," they replied, "we are able!" Mark 10:38 James and John said they were willing to face any trial that Jesus faced. They said that they would endure any suffering, any persecution Jesus would meet.
Living a Christian life is not easy; it is not without cost and it is not without sacrifice. During one of our Wednesday Evening gatherings I asked some of the members present about their favorite hymns. Our brother Jerry A said, "Are Ye Able". The song, “Are Ye Able” is a response to these words of Jesus with James and John. It was written by Earl Bowman Marlatt (1892-1976), the son of a Methodist minister. (He also taught philosophy of religion and religious literature at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University from 1846-1957.)
During this same time period another Methodist, John Mott (1865-1955), ( Graduate of Cornell University who received Nobel Piece Prize in 1946) wrote a book titled, "The Evangelization of the World in This Generation”. (United Methodist Bishop John Wesley Hardt, former Bishop in Residence at Perkins School of Theology, places the hymn “Are Ye Able” in the context of its time along with the book “The Evangelization of the World in This Generation” byJohn Mott. ) John Mott wrote, "Imagine with me…, dream with me…, I have a vision of a college campus with thousands of teenagers, and someone stands at the front of a youth rally and shouts, “Evangelize the World, In This Generation” And someone from the back shouts, “We are able.” And again someone from the front says, “Evangelize the World, in This Generation.” And someone over here softly cries, “Are we Able?” And the people shout back “Lord, We are able!” Amen? ."
Beginning in the 1930’s and for the next three decades that song was a rally cry for young Methodist and Evangelicals on college campuses and seminaries and in youth revivals around the world. (Then came John Mott’s, The Evangelization of the World in This Generation.) And someone has to ask, “Are we Able?”
And the people shout back, “LORD, WE ARE ABLE!”
Have we ever dreamed this kind of dream? Do we have this kind of vision? Can we really make a difference in the community where we live? Can we find that spirit again? Are we able?--- Can we declare with zeal and fervor “Lord, We are Able!” We are able by His grace to serve in such time as this.
What does servanthood look like? I was reading about a couple named Barbara and Fred. After Fred’s father died in the nursing home, Barbara and Fred would still go once a week to visit the nursing home. They would read the Bible to the residents. They would bring their dirty clothes home and wash them and take them back. They would sit and help feed people who did not have anyone else to come and visit them.
What does servanthood look like? I heard about Donald and Ruth. Ruth loves to go to yard sales, Donald is a retired pastor. Donald and Ruth go to yard sales and flea markets to buy bargain clothes and toys. They give them to missions and local ministries. Sometimes they take them to give to families and children who live in poverty.
A real servant knows that God is the giver and master of everything. God has just entrusted us to be stewards for a very short time. The question I have to ask is how am I handling the blessings and gifts that God has given me?
In 1928 Don and Marguerete McCrossman wrote a song titled, "On The Jericho Road."
Living a Christian life is not easy; it is not without cost and it is not without sacrifice. During one of our Wednesday Evening gatherings I asked some of the members present about their favorite hymns. Our brother Jerry A said, "Are Ye Able". The song, “Are Ye Able” is a response to these words of Jesus with James and John. It was written by Earl Bowman Marlatt (1892-1976), the son of a Methodist minister. (He also taught philosophy of religion and religious literature at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University from 1846-1957.)
During this same time period another Methodist, John Mott (1865-1955), ( Graduate of Cornell University who received Nobel Piece Prize in 1946) wrote a book titled, "The Evangelization of the World in This Generation”. (United Methodist Bishop John Wesley Hardt, former Bishop in Residence at Perkins School of Theology, places the hymn “Are Ye Able” in the context of its time along with the book “The Evangelization of the World in This Generation” byJohn Mott. ) John Mott wrote, "Imagine with me…, dream with me…, I have a vision of a college campus with thousands of teenagers, and someone stands at the front of a youth rally and shouts, “Evangelize the World, In This Generation” And someone from the back shouts, “We are able.” And again someone from the front says, “Evangelize the World, in This Generation.” And someone over here softly cries, “Are we Able?” And the people shout back “Lord, We are able!” Amen? ."
Beginning in the 1930’s and for the next three decades that song was a rally cry for young Methodist and Evangelicals on college campuses and seminaries and in youth revivals around the world. (Then came John Mott’s, The Evangelization of the World in This Generation.) And someone has to ask, “Are we Able?”
And the people shout back, “LORD, WE ARE ABLE!”
Have we ever dreamed this kind of dream? Do we have this kind of vision? Can we really make a difference in the community where we live? Can we find that spirit again? Are we able?--- Can we declare with zeal and fervor “Lord, We are Able!” We are able by His grace to serve in such time as this.
What does servanthood look like? I was reading about a couple named Barbara and Fred. After Fred’s father died in the nursing home, Barbara and Fred would still go once a week to visit the nursing home. They would read the Bible to the residents. They would bring their dirty clothes home and wash them and take them back. They would sit and help feed people who did not have anyone else to come and visit them.
What does servanthood look like? I heard about Donald and Ruth. Ruth loves to go to yard sales, Donald is a retired pastor. Donald and Ruth go to yard sales and flea markets to buy bargain clothes and toys. They give them to missions and local ministries. Sometimes they take them to give to families and children who live in poverty.
A real servant knows that God is the giver and master of everything. God has just entrusted us to be stewards for a very short time. The question I have to ask is how am I handling the blessings and gifts that God has given me?
In 1928 Don and Marguerete McCrossman wrote a song titled, "On The Jericho Road."
As you travel along on the Jericho Road
does the world seem all wrong and heavy load?
Just bring it to Christ your sins all confess
on the Jericho Road your heart He will bless
On the Jericho Road there’s room for just two
no more and no less, just Jesus and you
each burden He’ll bear, each sorrow he’ll share
there’s never a care for Jesus is there
So, Jesus and his disciples reached Jericho, and he began to teach them, that he would go up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man would be “delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death,” Mark 10:33 (KJV) Jesus calls us and commands us to carrying our cross toward Jerusalem… It is a vow, a promise, a life commitment to worship, to magnify the Lord, and to exalt his Holy name together. It is a complete giving of ourselves, so that we can help and benefit someone else. It is fellowship, it is commitment, it is servant hood.
does the world seem all wrong and heavy load?
Just bring it to Christ your sins all confess
on the Jericho Road your heart He will bless
On the Jericho Road there’s room for just two
no more and no less, just Jesus and you
each burden He’ll bear, each sorrow he’ll share
there’s never a care for Jesus is there
So, Jesus and his disciples reached Jericho, and he began to teach them, that he would go up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man would be “delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death,” Mark 10:33 (KJV) Jesus calls us and commands us to carrying our cross toward Jerusalem… It is a vow, a promise, a life commitment to worship, to magnify the Lord, and to exalt his Holy name together. It is a complete giving of ourselves, so that we can help and benefit someone else. It is fellowship, it is commitment, it is servant hood.
In Christ,
Friday March 9, 2012
Television Outreach
Time Warner Cable Channel 4
Time 7:00 PM
Saturday Evening Worship Service:
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Endicott, NY
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Time: 6:00 PM gathering for Coffee Fellowship
6:30 PM Worship Service
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2012
Speaker: Dave Hettinger
Special Music by Jane Hettinger. For information, call 607-748-6329
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