Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 3-27-12

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for this new day. I shared in a service of death and Resurrection for Jack Chechia yesterday. Jack loved the Lord. He was 70 years old. He had spent some time with some of his friends a week before his death. He died in his sleep last week. Jack had no immediate family. His parents had died in a car accident on New Years eve 1973. His only son John, a Harvard University graduate, died at the age 31 a few years ago on Thanksgiving day.

Jack loved to sing. He sang "O holy Night" during Christmas Eve services. He used to pray, "Lord give us the faith of Abraham, the love of King David, the strength of Samson, and the boldness of Peter". I was saddened to know that Jack died alone. Then I was reminded that Jack did not die alone. Jesus, his Savior, was with him.

The service consisted of singing and thanksgiving. An accomplished Trumpet player showed up for the service. (He has played at the White House several times for various gatherings). He played "How Great Thou Art" and "In the Garden". At the grave side service he played "Nearer, My God, to Thee" and "The Lord's Prayer". After the service friends gathered for a sumptuous meal of Homemade Lasagna, rolls, and salads. It was day of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord.

The Old Testament reading for last Sunday was taken from Jeremiah 31: 31 ff. The Jeremiah passage is a beautiful picture of God’s faithfulness. Our Lord God always keeps His promises.
I was reading about a Christian guy named Roger Simms, who was just discharged from the army and was hitchhiking his way back home. He was picked up by a guy driving a Cadillac. The driver said, "My name is Mr. Hanover. I’m headed to Chicago. I have a business there. Come on in."
After talking about many things, Roger felt led of the Spirit to share Christ with him. But he kept putting it off, until he realized he was just thirty minutes from home. It was now or never. So, Roger cleared his throat, "Mr. Hanover, I would like to talk to you about something very important." Then he shared the gospel. And he asked Mr. Hanover if he would like to receive Christ as his Savior. To Roger’s surprise, the Cadillac pulled over to the side of the road. Roger thought "Oh boy, I’m about to get kicked out of the car." But the businessman bowed his head and received Christ right on the spot. And then he said, "Roger, this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you so much."
Five years went by, Roger married, had a two-year-old boy, and a business of his own. Packing his suitcase for a business trip to Chicago, he found the small, white business card Hanover had given him. In Chicago he looked up Hanover Enterprises. The receptionist said, "His wife is here." So she came out and extended her hand. "You knew my husband?" Roger told how her husband had given him a ride when hitchhiking home after the war. She asked, "Can you tell me when that was?" He said, "It was May 7, five years ago, the day I was discharged from the army. I shared Christ with him. He pulled over to the side of the road and wept against the steering wheel. He gave his life to Christ right on the spot." Then explosive sobs shook her body and she cried openly. She said, "I prayed for my husband’s salvation for years. I really believed God would save him." Roger said, "Where is your husband?" She said, "He’s dead. He was in a car crash after he let you out of the car. He never got home. You see-I thought God had not kept His promise." Sobbing uncontrollably, she added, "I stopped living for God five years ago because I thought He had not kept His word!"
Mrs. Hanover found out something that day. God ALWAYS keeps his word. Even when we can’t see it with our own eyes, God is working behind the scenes in people’s lives. He is faithful even when we are Unfaithful. Psalm 145:13 says that "The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all He has made."

In Christ,


Friday March 30, 2012
Television Outreach
Time Warner Cable Channel 4
Time 7:00 PM
Saturday Evening Worship Service:
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Endicott, NY
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Time: 6:00 PM gathering for Coffee Fellowship
6:30 PM Worship Service
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Binghamton House of Prayer team will lead in music and Word.
"The Binghamton House of Prayer" is an Interdenominational and international ministry of prayer that is engaged in prayer for our region. This group meets weekly for prayer ministry.
There will be a very special time for prayer for healing and blessing.
Special Music by Laureen Naik

Prayer and Praise:
Praise the Lord for the wonderful and warm month of March which the Lord gave to us. Everywhere you look, there are flowers in full bloom. The daffodils and forsythias on the church grounds are in the abundant and colorful garb of spring. Praise the Lord for Ed Hower who, for so many years, cared for the flowers and plants with so much love.
The Lord blessed the Sunday worship services last Sunday, March 25.
Praise the Lord for the following, who celebrated birthdays over the past week: Donna Glover, Jack Black, Jim Holmes, Jean Warfield, Lois Holmes, Deborah Eckhardt, Ben Hettinger, Al Binder, Nola Rosenbarker (just turned 1), Marion Cameron (Linda Ayer's mom), and Jayne Flanagan. Jayne, who just turned 43, is still serving Christ joyfully in South Africa with her husband, Kirk, and 3 boys.
Praise the Lord for Rev. Earle Cowden, who had recent open heart surgery, who is regaining his strength. He even attended both morning and evening services yesterday. He has started walking 30 minutes a day.
Al Smith is also recovering from open heart surgery, and is back to teaching Sunday school.
Craig Sabin has returned to work part time, but needs continued prayer.
Jim French, recovering from knee and gall bladder surgeries.
Grayson Burlingame recently has surgery at Upstate Medical, and is at home recuperating.
Chris Haynes, who is recovering from eye surgery.
Praise the Lord that Jim Geer is again able to present the dramatic monologue, "Simon Peter", during this Lenten season.
Praise the Lord for the life and witness of Mari Hicks, a sweet servant of Jesus, who fought the good fight, and has now gone to be with her Lord.
Praise the Lord for the life of Don Simek, (Lynn Rosenbarker's uncle), aged 81. Pray for his family.
Praise the Lord for the life of Jack Checchia, who died in his sleep this past week at the age of 70. I was saddened to know that Jack died alone, but the Lord reminded me that He was with Jack. We had a beautiful service today in memory of Jack. Praise the Lord for those who came today to attend the service. Mary Haskell sang. Glenn Godoy shared some thoughts about Jack's life during the service. He had known Jack for many years. Mr. Katchedorian came and played hymns on his trumpet, including, "How Great Thou Art", and "In the Garden". At the graveside he played, "Nearer, My God, to Thee" and "The Lord's Prayer". It was a beautiful and sun-blessed service. Following the service friends gathered back at the church hall for a luncheon of homemade lasagna, rolls, and salad. I praise the Lord for so faithfully providing for his servants.
Jack's parents had died in 1973 as a result of a car accident on New Year's Eve. His only son, John, a Harvard graduate, had died several years ago at the age of 31. Jack had no family, but he had Jesus as his friend.
Praise the Lord for the youth sponsored Chicken Barbeque that was held on March 18.
Praise the Lord for a good week for Garry McFadden and Mariah McFadden.
Praise the Lord for the new addition that is just beginning. Loads of gravel have arrived, and ground should be broken in late April or early May.
Pray for the following:
Dusty Corwin, who had emergency surgery this week and is at Wilson. Also pray for Dusty and his wife, Sarah, as she recently miscarried.
Lee Sanford, who is battling cancer for the fourth time, with Leiomyo sarcoma, and will be having surgery at Lahey Clinic on April 5. A 7 hour surgery is projected.
Roger DuBois will be having hip replacement surgery on April 4 in Pittsburgh.
Judy Pflug, Karen Rosenbarker's sister and Donna Shultz's niece, will be having surgery at Cleveland Clinic this week.
Dr. Rodger Summers, who has a progressive neurological disorder.
Sandy Wingard, Mike Wingard's mother, is undergoing ongoing treatment for cancer.
Dave Fancher, who is very weak. Judy cares for him at home.
Geri Hall, mother of Sarah Hall (one of Sunita's best friends from high school), who has survived cancer for over 20 years.
Lucille Stasko, who is receiving hospice care.
Leo Cornett, who was recently hospitalized after a fall, but is at home and recovering. The Cornett's daughter, Nancy, came from Utah to spend several weeks caring for her mom and dad in their home. Presently they have home health care professionals assisting them by day and by night. They praise the Lord that they are able to live at home during this time. Their son, Dean, who lives in the area, visits them regularly and cares for many of their needs. Jean and Leo have been blessed to have 3 granddaughters. Now they have been blessed with 3 great-grandsons. The youngest was born prematurely, weighing in at about 2 pounds - now by God's amazing grace Nathan is about 10 pounds.
Continue to pray for Laureen. She is gaining from her back injury, but must still be extremely careful to avoid re-injury.
Pray for Carol Hartz, Lisa Babcock's mom, who was hospitalized recently.
Pray for Pastor Brown's mom, aged 84 (approx.), who is getting weaker, and has some form of dementia.
One of Pastor Brown's boyhood friends, Sushant, is very ill, and has a brain tumor. They were friends from 2nd grade through college.
Pray for Pastor Brown, as he is possibly starting the hormone treatment in mid-June.
Keep praying for Ben Rosenbarker and Justin Brown, both in jail.
Pray for Lila Burlingame, who suffers from Menier's disease. Allison, Jean and Leo Cornett's granddaughter also suffers from this condition.
Bud and Carol Lee.
Grant DeGaramo
Michelle Rucker, facing cancer treatment.
Sarah Deuel, facing possible further surgery.
Danielle DeGaramo, who suffers from ongoing seizures
Pray for Sunita and Andy, who will be leaving in Mid-May for Albania. They will be there for 6 weeks.
As we approach Palm Sunday and Holy Week we praise the Lord for bringing us to participate in celebrating this Holy Season.
We will gather this Wednesday evening for a special meal at 6 PM, for Bible study and prayer starting at 6:30 PM, and for Choir practice beginning at 7:30 PM.
Join us for our weekly television outreach on Friday evening, Time Warner Cable Channel 4, at 7 PM.
Saturday Evening Worship Service:
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Endicott, NY
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Time: 6:00 PM gathering for Coffee Fellowship
6:30 PM Worship Service
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Binghamton House of Prayer team will lead in music and Word.
"The Binhamton House of Prayer" is an Interdenominational and inernational ministry of prayer that is engaged in prayer for our region. This group meets weekly for prayer ministry.
There will be a very special time for prayer for healing and blessing.
Special Music by Laureen Naik

This coming Sunday will be our Palm Sunday celebration. Come and join us. Invite your friends and family to join us in worship, praise, and celebration. Following the second service there will be an Easter egg hunt for the children, coordinated by Shannan Meilunas and Tegan Kraus. There will also be an Easter banquet for one and all, prepared with much love by Rodney Haines and Kathy Dence.
APRIL 5 at 6:30 PM there will be a Maundy Thursday foot washing and communion service. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for this special service.
APRIL 6 at 6:30 PM there will be a Good Friday Service at Union Center UMC –
"Simon Peter" will be presented by our brother Jim Geer and the team. Join us for this very special presentation on the life and witness of Simon Peter.
APRIL 7 at 6:30 PM will be a very special Easter Eve celebration. This will be held at the First United Methodist Church, Endicott. The service of worship and praise will include Hymns and songs both classic and contemporary. We are blessed to have Aric Phinney at the Grand Piano, and Yancey Moore at the Pipe Organ, Dave Berry as the song leader and soloist, along with special musicians Winnie Allen and Emma Brunson. Come, Share, and Rejoice.
APRIL 8 at 6:30 AM A Sunrise service will be held at the pavilion at Union Center
Christian Church, 950 Boswell Hill Road. Rev. Marshall Sorber will be preaching. We will have special music. Mr. Katchudurian will be presenting special Easter Music on his trumpet.
You are all welcome back to the Union Center Church Fellowship Hall for a special Easter Morning breakfast prepared and served by Jim Holmes and the team.
We will gather for Special Easter Celebration and worship at 8:30 and 11:00 AM
at the Union Center UMC. The Youth and children will be presenting a very special song for Easter morning at both services. The Adult Choir will also be singing at both services. Sunday School will meet at 9:50 AM. We will gather for Easter Morning Worship At Wesley at 9:30 AM. We have so much to celebrate. We have so much to sing about. We have so much to rejoice in. It is all About Jesus, who came, who saw, and who conquered. He is upon the Throne.

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