Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brown's Daily Word 6-22-11

Good morning,
Praise the Lord. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Praise the Lord for sweet summer. I love the great outdoors. Alice and I walked for almost 5 miles last evening in one of the local parks, portions of which resemble the great Arboretums of Boston and Washington, DC. Sunita and Andy are flying to Turkey today on Sunita'a work They will be visiting some of the Balkan States for two weeks and will proceed to Orissa , India for a visit with the family. Their friends Rob and Jenn from Washington, DC , will be joining them in India. Laureen and I, together with Tom and Jessica, will be joining them in Orissa , in mid- July.
For my summer readings I browse through some of the great works by Shakespeare, John Milton, Charles Dickens, and other British writers. Some of the best literature, the best art, and the best music of the world deal with Biblical Themes. I have a book in my library that contains the paintings and sketches of Rembrandt.
We will be meeting for midweek study and fellowship this evening at 6 PM. We are looking at the video resonation by Tim Keller on "The Prodigal God". Henry Nouwen wrote, “Rembrandt portrays the father as the man who has transcended the ways of his children. His own loneliness and anger may have been there, but they have been transformed … This is who I have to become. I see it as clearly as I see the immense beauty of the father’s … compassion. Can I let the younger and the elder son grow in me to the maturity of the compassionate father?”
It is interesting that the father described his lost son’s condition as having been lost but now found, dead but now alive. Those are the spiritual conditions of every sinner who comes to the Father through faith in Jesus Christ (John 5:24; Ephesians 2:1–10). The prodigal son was lost , but Jesus says in the Gospel of John, Chapter 14, verse 6, “I am the way”; the prodigal son was ignorant (verse 17), but Jesus says, “I am the truth”; and in verse 24 the son was dead, but Jesus says, “I am the life.”
There’s a parallel between the prodigal son coming to the father and our coming to the father through Christ. There is only one way to come to the Father, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ.
In Christ,

Saturday evening worship service.
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Sponsored by the Union Center United Methodist Church, 128, Maple Drive, Endicott

Saturday,June 25 , 2011
6 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Worship Service
Worship Music:
Speaker:Dave Hettinger

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