Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Brown's Daily Word 6-1-11

Good morning,
We drove up to Burlington Vermont last Friday to spend the weekend with our friends Warren and Linda. Janice, Jeremy, Micah, Simeon and Ada joined us there. It was great treat and a great thrill to spend some time with Micah, Simeon and Ada. On Saturday, Micah ran in the Children's one mile "Marathon". It was part of Burlington Marathon that was run on Sunday. While in Burlington I had the opportunity to visit with Mr. And Mrs. George Cameron on Sunday, the day they were celebrating their 63rd wedding anniversary. They both love the Lord and ascribe praise to Jesus for His faithfulness to them.
As many already know, we had a very mild tornado that visited our area on Thursday, and we lost power last Thursday evening. The power was restored Sunday evening, as the NYSEG crew was able to replace the blown transformer.
As part of the Memorial day celebration I was looking at Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and Isaiah 25. The prophet himself determined to praise God. Isaiah ascribed praise to the Lord’s name (His revealed character) because of His marvelous acts. The Creator God is not bounded by natural law or occurrences when He acts. He is able to act supernaturally and often does so in order to save His covenant people. Wonders are part of His planned action on behalf of His suffering people.
The things God does and will do have been planned from long ago (Isaiah 14:24, 26, 27; Isaiah 23:8-9). God is not making it up as He goes along. His wonders and His amazing acts have been given forethought and are part of His overall design. He has a divine purpose and a divine strategy to accomplish His plan especially and specifically when it concerns His people. When it does, the normal and natural are not barriers to His action on their behalf. What He plans He is not only capable of carrying out, but He is perfectly faithful in so doing.
Let us now look with the praising prophet into the future plan of God. Verse 2 states, "For You have made a city into a heap, a fortified city into a ruin; a palace of strangers is a city no more. It will never be rebuilt". God plans to humble all the works (and workers) of human pride and oppression, typified as the fortified city and a palace of strangers . [As in chapter 24 no specific city is identified and seems to represent the place of world leadership. Some say it is "Babylon," which also represents all those opposed to God.] They had strength and human wisdom to fortify what they were trusting in and the worldly wealth to live in royal luxury, but they were strangers to God. Thus all their skill and work will be shattered never to continue into the future.
God will act in miraculous manner in the future for a decisive victory over all who oppose Him. This victory will extend to the permanent destruction of all they have done with their life. God’s triumph has been planned from the beginning.
Verse 3 tells the result of this judgment. "Therefore a strong people will glorify You. Cities of ruthless nations will revere You." Why will it take such destruction to cause God to be honored? When people come to recognize no authority or persuasion but power, God will demonstrate He is the most powerful. God’s judgment on the cities, representative of the world’s leadership (24:12-13), will cause peoples from ruthless nations to honor and revere (fear) Him. Those that have been the terror of the world shall tremble before the judgments of God [and call in vain to rocks and mountains to hide them]. He will speak in a way that they will understand and obey.
Verse 4 continues to expand the reasons for honoring and praising God. "For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a rain storm against a wall."
God is to be honored not only because He destroys the power and plans of the proud, but because He does so for the sake of those whom the proud oppress.
People of faith turn to the Sovereign who cares for us. He is our source of refuge and hope. The mighty of earth may be great, but God is greater (51:12, 13).
When the Lord establishes His kingdom on the earth, a reversal of fortunes will occur (Isaiah 25:4-5). God is a defense, a refuge, a shade for the helpless and distressed. These terms are expressions of God being there for His people. "God is our refuge and strength" (Psalm 46:2). We may suffer because of ruthless oppression, but we can turn to God for help and protection. Rest assured that when perils are most threatening and alarming, God will appear to safeguard His people. He is faithful to His own.

In Christ,


Saturday evening worship service.
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Sponsored by the Union Center United Methodist Church, 128, Maple Drive, Endicott

Saturday, May 28, 2011

6 PM Dinner (at First UMC Endicott)

6:30 PM Worship Service
Worship Music: Dave Berry and the team.
Speaker: Rev. Terry Steenberg

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