Thursday, December 2, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 12-02-10

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for He comes to the world as The Prince of Peace. Occasionally we get glimpses of what the peace of Christ on earth looks and feels like… it does not happen often but it does happen and when it does we are reminded of what may be and what will one day be.
Before the days of modern warfare, which uses satellites, armed drone aircraft, inter-continental ballistic missiles, smart bombs, and all of that war was fought in the trenches. In WWII much of the war was fought as hand-to-hand trench warfare. Soldiers lived, fought, and died in trenches filled with mud, blood, and vermin. The trenches were dug in the fields of France and enemies could actually hear each other talking, so there was no need for satellites to locate the enemy. The enemy was right over there.
There is an old story that has been told and retold. (Though it has been embellished here and there) on a cold, moonlit Christmas Eve a British soldier with a beautiful tenor voice began to sing Silent Night, Holy Night. Then, from the German trenches, a soldier with a rich baritone voice joined in singing Silent Night, Holy Night in his German tongue. They sang and they sang and then there was stillness.
On Christmas morning some British soldiers climbed out of their trenches into the no-man’s-land that separated the enemy lines and began to kick a football about. Then some German soldiers climbed from their trenches and there, in the middle of a battlefield, enemies played a pickup football game on Christmas day.
Peace can happen and it does happen and one day it will be. Meanwhile it is in this Season of Advent that we are reminded to long for, hope for, pray for, and work for that day when Christ will judge between the nations and will settle the disputes for the many peoples. They will "beat their swords into plough shares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore, and every man will sit under his own vine and no one will make them afraid, and they all will walk in the light of the Lord."
May He make us instruments of His peace.
In Him,


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