Good morning,
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. We will gather this evening for our mid-week fellowship, Bible Study, and Choir practice. I am looking at Psalm 117 this morning.
"Good things come in small packages," according to the old adage, and often this is true. It is most certainly the case with Psalm 117. By far it is the shortest poem in the Book of Psalms - the original Hebrew has all of sixteen words - The first two and last two Hebrew words of Psalm 117 constitute that familiar phrase that is sprinkled throughout the Book of Psalms: hallelu yah. We transliterate this phrase into the English word "hallelujah," now known the world-over because of Mr. Handel's famous chorus. In secular circles, and maybe in also the way we ourselves use the word, "hallelujah" is a way to express joy. In Hebrew this is actually in the imperative mood. Hallelu is a command meaning "Praise!" The two Hebrew words used in verse 2 are among the richest and loveliest in the Old Testament: they are often yoked together: chesed and emet. The translation here of "love" is pretty weak. Because chesed may well be the Old Testament's equivalent of what in the New Testament will be called "grace." God's chesed is very nearly the number one reason the psalmists list again and again for praising God.
Chesed is God's lovingkindness, his abiding love, his core tendency to stick with his people even when they don't stick with him; to forgive sin even when such a divine pardon is by no means warranted. Chesed is what sent Jesus our Lord to this world, and once the Son of God arrived here in our own flesh and blood, chesed is the grace and goodness that radiated so brilliantly from Jesus' every pore that it attracted sinners, prostitutes, lepers, and tax collectors the way a bright porch light draws in moths on a summer night. The grace of Jesus let people know there was forgiveness available no matter how greasy they'd lived up until the moment they met the Savior. If ever there were a one-word answer to the question of why God sent his only begotten Son to die on a cross, that answer would be chesed.
"The Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." . . full of grace and truth." That line is almost a throwback to Psalm 117 because the other word in verse 2, translated as "faithfulness," is the word emet, and though it can mean "faithfulness," it is also translated as "truth" and is the source of our English word "amen." The "grace and truth" of the incarnate Son of God as John proclaims him is very nearly identical with the chesed wai emet that Psalm 117 chalks up as reasons #1 and #2 for making the praise of God our proper human task and vocation every moment of every day.
We are fixed in the loving stare of a God who has something more than just our best interests at heart. We draw our every breath and live out our every day under the gaze and care of a God whose grace and truth, whose abiding desire to save us and stick with us forever, ensures that we have a very bright future. Psalm 117 summons us to worship God and to invite others to join the glory song, but our words and our lives need to be consistent with the God of all grace who is the target of all true praise.
In Christ,
Come Away With Me (A Time of Refreshing, Renewal & Meeting with Jesus)
When was the last time you were STILL enough to actually encounter Jesus?
No matter where you are on your Journey (Curious about Jesus or Been Walking w/Him for Yrs), This Weekend – He wants to Encounter YOU!
Once You Encounter Jesus – You Will Never Be The SAME!!
In Zechariah 4:6 it is written, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts." As we approach the end of the year, the Lord has placed before us many open doors - for worship, for ministry, and for service. We have been blessed to have many prayer warriors in the life of the church, who are faithfully and joyfully engaged in lives of fervent prayer.
Sunita and Andy's church in Washington, DC goes on retreat together twice a year. Sunita always returns from these events blessed, refreshed, and inspired. We attempted to have our church's prayer retreat at Sky Lake, but scheduling conflicts prohibited it, so we are planning to have our upcoming prayer retreat at our own church here in Union Center. We invite all of you to come and be a part of this event. Keep praying for the Lord to refresh our hearts and renew our minds.
Praise the Lord for each one who has offered his or her time, talents, and treasures to make the upcoming prayer weekend possible. The schedule follows:
Friday, November 5 - 6 PM Supper, with Indian and Italian dishes. A love offering will be received.
6:30 PM The Prayer Conference convenes.
Saturday, November 6, 8:30 AM breakfast, prepared by Kathy Dence and team. A love offering will be received.
9:00 AM - 13 noon The Prayer Conference continues.
5 PM Thanksgiving Banquet, held at First United Methodist Church on McKinley Avenue. The menu includes homemade pies, rolls, turkey, and the trimmings. Lou Pasquale is the head chef, together with Rodney Haines as his sous chef. Sign-up sheets for the banquet are located in the Narthex, or reservations can be confirmed by calling the church office at 748-6329.
6:30 PM Worship service in the sanctuary at First UMC, Endicott. Music will be provided by Aric Phinney and the team. The speaker will be Kelly Johnson.
Sunday morning worship services will be at UCUMC at 8:30 and 11:00 AM, with Sunday School at 9:50 AM. Kelly Johnson will be speaking to a combined Adult Sunday School at that time. Worship service will be held at Wesley UMC at 9:30 AM.
12:30 PM There will be a meal immediately following the 11:00 AM service. Chefs for the meal are Jeremy and Matt Smith. The menu includes Carribean pork, braised chicken, candied sweet potatoes, salad, green beans, and rolls.
Saturday Evening Worship Service:October 30, 2010
Music by Laureen Naik and team
Preacher: Jeff Vansyckle
November 6, 2010 - ( Saturday) There will be a Thanksgiving banquet. At 5 PM a traditional Thanksgiving menu will be served, including home made rolls and pies. Chef: Lou Pasquale and team. (Reservations: Call the Church office (607)-748-6329 or email at
The banquet will be followed by 6:30 PM Worship
Music: Aric Phinney and the team
Speaker: Kelly Johnson from Nashville, TN.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
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