Friday, May 21, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 5-21-10

A bright and beautiful, very good, morning to one and all,
Praise the Lord for this fabulous Friday. They say in England it is fantastic Friday. It is going to be one of the ten best days of May. This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. Upon this day , the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples gathered in the Upper Room. The church was born. The church has been under the same management for over 2000 years. The CEO is alive and well. His truth is marching on.
Those of you live in the area join us for our weekly Television outreach this evening at 7 PM on Time Warner Cable channel 4.
Both my wife and I have been part of the church since our birth. I learned about Jesus in my Mother's arms. I have been so blessed by the Lord and by life in the Church. Praise the Lord for His Church. Our Children grew up in the church and are now involved serving Christ. Our grandchildren love Jesus and love His Church. Micah and Simeon love to attend Sunday School. May Jesus, who is the Lord and Head of the Church, pour upon His Church His anointing afresh and anew this Pentecost Sunday. Plan to be in the Lord's house this Pentecost Sunday.
Some time ago I read about Jean Nidetch, because I need to lose some weight. Jean Nidetch, a 214-pound homemaker desperate to lose weight, went to the New York City Department of Health where she was given a diet devised by Dr. Norman Jolliffe. Two months later, discouraged about the 50 plus pounds still to go, she invited six overweight friends into her home to share the diet and talk about how to stay on it. Today, 28 years later, one million members attend 25,000 Weight Watchers meetings in 24 countries every week. Why was Nidetch able to help people take control of their lives? When she was a teenager, she used to cross a park where she saw mothers gossiping while their toddlers sat on their swings, with no one to push them. "I’d give them a push," says Nidetch. "And you know what happens when you push a kid on a swing? Pretty soon he’s pumping, doing it himself. That’s what my role in life is--I’m there to give others a push."
Change rarely happens alone. We have various support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, for that very reason. The main factor that produces success in these groups is accountability to the group. In view of this, why do we think we can effect change in our spiritual lives by ourselves? Jesus, the Risen Lord, created the Church because he knew we couldn’t make it by ourselves. The Church was designed by the Lord to incorporate spiritual accountability into our lives. We need others to call us to account. God uses other people to confront sin in the lives of his people. God had the prophet Nathan confront King David for his sins of adultery and murder (2 Samuel 12). God had Samuel confront Saul for offering a sacrifice that only a priest was supposed to offer (1 Samuel 13). Later Samuel confronted Saul for failing kill everything in a battle with the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15). In the New Testament God used Paul to confront Peter for yielding to peer pressure (Galatians 2). Proverbs 13:10 says, "Wisdom is found in those who take advice." Also Proverbs 13:18 says, "He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored." Therefore, we need to be open to correction. The writer of Proverbs says, "Better is an open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."
John Wesley, the founder of our movement, was known for organizing bands or small groups of six people, of the same sex, for pastoral care. Each group was asked four questions at every meeting: What known sins have you committed since our last meeting? What temptations have you met with? How were you delivered? What have you thought, said or done, of which you doubt whether it be sin or not?
These questions would probably horrify many churchgoers if they were asked them today. However, Chuck Swindoll has seven questions that a group of fellow pastors challenge each other with periodically:
1. Have you been with a woman anywhere this past week that might be seen as compromising?
2. Has any of your financial dealing lacked integrity?
3. Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material?
4. Have you spent adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
5. Have you given priority time to your family?
6. Have you fulfilled the mandates of your calling?
7. Have you just lied to me?
(From Chuck Colson, The Body)

We need to open our spiritual lives to someone we trust and admire. James 5:16 says, "Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed." In our reaction against the Roman Catholic church we have abandoned the admonition in this verse. God, however, did not do away with this verse. I have been wondering why God said to do this difficult thing, and I have come up with some possible answers. I believe Satan wins most often when we try to battle him alone in our private thoughts.
In Christ ,

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