Friday, April 16, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 4-16-10

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for this new day. I had a long conversation over the phone with one of my daughters last evening. My daughters provoke me to love the Lord and walk with Him with passion and joy. I praise the Lord for my children, who love the Lord and have heart for His Kingdom. Pray for our Friday evening Television outreach this evening at 7 PM on Time Warner Cable Channel 4. We will prepare the food for the needy and serve at the First United Methodist Church in Endicott tomorrow, April 17, at noon. We will gather at 5:30 PM for our monthly gathering at the Grace Cafe at the Wesley United Methodist for food, fellowship, and witness. We invite some of the neighbors who are unchurched to come and join us for time great Christian fellowship. John and his son, Jay, both avid fishermen, will be preparing a fish dinner. ( 2010 crop). There will also be authentic Indian dishes and an assortment of homemade pies. It is a wonderful blessing to share the meal and enjoy the grace of Jesus. Our friend Dave Hettinger will be giving His testimony.
Yesterday afternoon I was asked to conduct a graveside service for a man whom I knew, who had died suddenly in car accident. Two of his children were present along several family members. Because of the Risen Lord we can stand at the face of death and the grave and proclaim the "Sure and certain of resurrection in Jesus Christ ".
Victor Hugo, French novelist perhaps best known for Les Miserables, wrote these words: "I feel within me that there is future life. I am like a forest that has been razed; the new shoots are stronger and brighter. I shall most certainly rise toward the heavens--the nearer my approach to the end, the plainer is the sound of immortal symphonies of worlds which invite me. For half a century I have been translating my thoughts into prose and verse: history, philosophy, drama, romance, tradition, satire, ode, and song; all of these I have tried. But I feel I haven’t given utterance to the thousandth part of what lies with me. When I go to the grave I can say, as others have said, 'My day’s work is done.' But I cannot say, 'My life is done.' My work will recommence the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley; it is a thoroughfare. It closes upon the twilight but opens upon the dawn."
Romans 6:4-5 says, "We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with Him like this in His death, we will certainly also be united with Him in his resurrection.¨ The resurrection gives us hope for today, hope for tomorrow, and hope for eternity. Jesus’ resurrection forever changed Christians’ view of death. Rodney Stark, sociologist at the University of Washington, points out that when a major plague hit the ancient Roman Empire, Christians had surprisingly high survival rates. How could this be? Most Roman citizens would banish any plague-stricken person from their household. Because Christians had no fear of death, they nursed their sick instead of throwing them out on the streets. Therefore, many Christians survived the plague.
For this reason, for each of us, when the moment of death comes, we have hope. We know that Jesus will be right there with us. His presence right at our side. We do not go through it alone, but rather we go through it with Him.
A missionary in Brazil discovered a tribe of Indians in a remote part of the jungle who lived near a large river. The tribe was in need of medical attention. A contagious disease was ravaging the population and many people were dying daily. The irony was that there was a hospital not too far away, across the river, but the Indians would not cross it because they believed it was inhabited by evil spirits. To enter the water would mean certain death. The missionary explained how he had crossed the river and was unharmed. They were not impressed. He then took them to the bank and placed his hand in the water. They still wouldn't go in. He walked into the water up to his waist and splashed water on his face. It didn't matter. They were still afraid to enter the river. Finally, he dove into the river, swam beneath the surface until he emerged on the other side. He punched a triumphant fist into the air. He had entered the water and escaped. It was then that the Indians broke out into a cheer and followed him across.
This is what Jesus did for us with death. He entered it, made it safely to the other side, and punched a triumphant fist into the air. But Jesus did not stay on the other bank. Rather, He jumped back in, and swam back to our side. He is alive, and present with us. Because of this, when our turn comes to face death, I believe He takes us by the hand and swims across with us, safely to the other side.
1 Peter 1:3 says, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.¨ Because He lives.......

In Him,


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