Monday, July 16, 2007

A Word from Alice 7/16/07

Dear praying friends,
Good morning from Jamaica Plain (Boston). I'm just letting you all know
that at this moment in time Janice is feeling much better. Though we
don't with certainty know the cause of her abdominal pain the other
day, she is feeling much stronger. This morning Janice, Micah, and
Simeon went on a 3 mile walk with Aunti Laureen and Grandma. It was
great! Thank you to one and all who have been lifting Janice in prayer.
Micah is adjusting quite well to her new role as big sister. She is
very tender with her baby brother, showering him with kisses and lots
of love. She is gradually adjusting to the squeaks and cries of a
newborn, learning that all babies cry - and she is no longer helping to
make a chorus of crying when the baby is upset.
Simeon is loving his life. He does all the baby things - eats, sleeps,
cries, etc., and has a wonderful raspy little baby voice. Last night he
had his best night yet. He had only a mild day-night switch-up from
about 9 to 10 PM, then slept to midnight. After the midnight feeding
(midnight snack would probably not be an adequate term) he slept until
after 5:30 am. It was wonderful for one and all, giving everyone
much-needed rest.
All is well, and we praise the Lord for His marvelous hand. We are
reminded constantly of God's providence for His people by setting us in
families. What an amazing process it is!
Enjoy your day wherever you are in God's great creation. Blessings on
one and all.
In Christ


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